When Fall Arrives

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Fall arrives so patient,

Yet why do some feel burdened?

When the fist plant shows it has a bought of death,

Or the first leaf is set ablaze,

Why are there moans and groans of coming winter?

It seems we ignore the beauty,

Only mind the future,

Allow time to pass us by,

Turn blind to the present gift,

Of the trees which have been lit,

Are holding such fire,

Yet are refusing to burn.

When Fall arrives,

All thoughts are of tormenting icy roads,

Or the harsh blizzard storms,

Overlooking the spectacular sights,

Of the golden glitter snow emits,

The clear or deep blue ice,

Frosting over the lake,

The snaking drapes,

Which hang gently from the thinnest branches of the willow,

And the walls it creates in the forest,

The muffling of sound,

The comfort and welcome sensation it gathers.

When Fall comes,

We are too busy dreading the future,

To recognize the unique and legendary moments of the present,

To take in the sights of each leaf,

Which will only ever be ablaze once,

Fall once,

Grow once.

Because next Fall,

The scene will not be the same.

Each time is different,

Holding new surprises,

So please don't just let it pass you by.

Do not ignore the heat of Fall.

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