Who Knows

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Sometimes the stars look down and see a faceless child,

Sometimes the sun torches the defiled,

Sometimes the moon turns on the lost,

Sometimes the clouds cry on those who have paid the cost.

The stars can light the lantern of hope,

The sun warms the cold also,

The moon can watch those unheard who cannot cope,

The clouds can shelter the weary soul.

Trees wave you under their boughs of pride and glory,

Leaves chatter with cheer,

Wolves howl and leer.

But know this;

You are always welcome here.

Encouragement I will muster,

Sympathy I can hand out,

Care will fester in my heart for you,

Broken is the heart,

Tender are it's roots,

Fragile are its ears.

Never too far can one be from the shot of my eyes and all my being,

Never will I abandon you; for that would mean shattering my own soul.

Don't you worry, Human.

You are human my friend. This. I can promise you. This. I know.

A life is a life, and so, once you are gone, that piece you provided for this forbidden world will also be forever missing.

Society hates,

Society expects,

Society is cruel my fellow Human.

But I,


I am an outcast.

I am proud to be different and discarded.

I care not for the love fast.

You are not weak to cry,

You are not weak to hurt,

You are so incredibly strong.

Trust is proof of this,

Heartbreak is the curt evidence.


Please check out my INSANITY poem in this book, its different from a lot of my stuff and I'm curious what people will think. Have an awesome day, bless you all, and good luck with who knows what! :)

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