~13~ The Move

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Alex's POV
We were all still laying in the floor of the living room the next morning. Sam said the movers would be here soon, so we just sat and waited.
"You should call someone about putting in the doggy door."
"Oh. We have a friend that can do that. His name's Heath."
"Okay. When will he be able to do it?"
"Ill have him come over after we get all of your stuff moved over."
"Okay." We heard a knock on the door.
"Is this the right place?"
"Yeah. We're just moving all of my stuff. So everything in my room. I'll show you."
I took them back to my room, and they got to work. They put everything they could in boxes. Then, moved out the furniture I had brought from Caleb's. We gave them the address to Sam's place, and they said they would be there in about an hour. We went back inside to say goodbye.
"I love you Kat. Once we get settled in, we will come by and see you."
"I love you too Alex. Bye Bear. I love you." She leaned down and hugged him. He jumped around and wagged his tail.
"Let's go Bear." I grabbed his leash and collar, and slipped it on him. We loaded him into the car, and we left.
We got to the house, and the movers wouldn't be here for a few more minutes. So we got Bear, and went inside to clear some room and move stuff around. We went into his room and he cleared some space out in his closet for me.
"Are you okay with me taking over your closet? Cause I have a lot of things."
"Yeah. We can put the stuff we don't wear as much into the closet in the extra room, which will be the babies room. We actually should start setting up his room soon. I want to paint it and decorate it."
"That's a good idea. I hadn't thought of that. We should start on that soon."
Someone knocked on the door, and we went to let them in.
"Where do you want the boxes?"
"Just set them down in the living room. Thank you."
We let them do their job, and started unpacking as they brought the boxes in. Sam went to call Heath for the dog door.
"He said he will be here in about half an hour."
I went back to unpacking. Taking the clothes out of boxes, and hanging them up in his closet. Once I ran out of room, I took the rest into the extra room, like Sam said.
"Heaths here."
I followed him to the door, and the movers just got done getting everything inside.
"Thank you." He said, and paid them.
"Come on in Heath." He walked inside carrying a tool bag.
"Hi. I'm Alex."
"Hey. It's nice to finally meet you. Sam told me a lot about you. I've heard a few of the guys mention you before too."
I leaned in, and hugged him.
"Nice to meet you too Heath. Thank you for doing this. There wasn't much planning to it."
"Yeah. I know. It's no problem."
Sam and him started talking about how he would put the dog door in.
"I'm gonna have to take the door down, so that I can cut the hole straight. Then I have to smooth it out and put rubber siding around the edges so the dog won't get a splinter. It should take me an hour or two."
"Okay bud. Thanks. Can I do anything to help?"
"Yeah. You can help with a lot. Let's go."
"You can lay down if you want babe. I can finish unpacking later."
"Okay." He gave me a kiss, and followed Heath to the back door. I wasn't gonna lay down. I wasn't even tired. I was only hanging up clothes, so it couldn't hurt me. I hung up the rest of the clothes, and put away what was left of my stuff.
"Babe! The door is done."
I walked back there to the door. Bear followed me. He had been with me since Heath came, so he hadn't seen it yet.
"Wow. It looks amazing. Thank you so much Heath."
I hugged him again. Bear walked over to it, and sniffed around it. He pushed up the flap, and went outside. I followed him out. He sniffed around the yard for awhile, taking in scents he had never smelt before. This was a whole different type of yard then what he was used to.
"Did you take a nap?"
"No. I finished putting stuff away. We have a bunch of boxes we need to take off now."
"You shouldn't work hard like that for long periods of time babe."
"I can take care of myself. It's okay. We have another appointment for the doctor in a few days anyway."
"Okay. But please try to take it easy."
"Of course Sammy."
Heath chuckled at the nickname I gave Sam.
"Do I owe you anything?" Sam asked him.
"Hell no. Friends don't have to pay me for anything."
"Thank you."
Sam walked Heath out, and we agreed to go out sometime with him. Bear came back inside a few minutes later, and slumped down at my feet.
"I'm worn out." I said.
"Me too."
Sam came over, and sat down on the couch with me. I laid my head on his lap, and I fell asleep.
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Thank you for reading!
~Lizzi Günther

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