~5~ Girls Night At Home

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This picture is of Bear. His little paw is resting on his face.
Alex's POV
  I walked inside the house, and Katie looked over at me.
"Did you have fun?"
"Yes. He's a really great guy."
"I knew you guys would hit it off. Where did he take you?"
"I really like that place. Sit down and talk to me about your date."
  I sat down next to her and Bear crawled out to me and sat down on my lap.
"What did you guys talk about?"
"He told me about himself and his youtube channel. I told him about me and Bear."
"Yeah. He loves dogs."
"He told me that. I had a really nice time."
"Are you guys going to go out again?"
"I want to. I think he likes me so probably."
"Well that is great. Did you tell him about the baby?"
"No. It was only our first date. I don't want to scare him away. Maybe our next date."
"Okay. Do you want to watch something with me? We can have a girls night."
"Sure. I'd like that. Just let me change into my pajamas."
  I went into my room and changed. I walked into the kitchen to get water for me and her.
"Here. I got you a water." I handed it to her.
"Thanks. What do you want to watch?"
"I don't know. How about Forrest Gump?"
"Sure. That's a good movie. But it's three hours long. Do you want me to make some popcorn?"
"Please." I made some popcorn, and brought it back in a bowl.
"Here. I set it between us and Bear sat next to me on the other side. He sniffed around and lifted his head up. I gave him a piece of popcorn, and we all watched the movie together.
~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up, and it was the next morning. We had fallen asleep near the end of the movie. Bear was snuggled up to my chest and my arm was around him. I checked my phone, trying not to wake him up. It was 8:25. Katie was asleep on the other side of the couch.
  I had to get up to pee, so I lifted my arm up, and scooted down the couch a little bit so I could put my feet on the ground without touching Bear. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I accomplished getting up without waking Bear, so I was happy.
  I decided to text Sam.
A: Hey. I had a really good time last night.
  I walked back to the couch, and Katie was awake and sitting on her phone. I sat down on the couch, and Bear stood up and yawned. He jumped down and ran to the back of the house. I assumed he was going towards the backyard. We had a doggy door, so I didn't need to let him out.
"Hey. Did you sleep good?"
"No. This couch is not meant for 2 people and a dog to sleep on."
"Agreed. My back hurts like hell."
"Mine too. Where's Bear?"
"I think he went outside."
"Oh. Okay." I heard my phone ding.
S: I had fun. Maybe we could hang out again sometime?
A: I would love to.
S: Would you want to come over tonight? Not a date. Just to hang out and talk more.
A: Sure. What time should I be there?
S:Would 3 work?
A: Yes. I will see you then.
S: WAIT! I want to meet Bear.
A: Haha, okay. I could bring him over? Wait, where do you live?
S: Yeah. You can bring him over here. 8715 Holly Drive
A: Oh! I know right where that's at. I will see you at 3. With Bear.
"So I am going over to Sam's house today at 3."
"Wow. Hanging out again already? I think he really likes you."
"I hope so. It's 9 now, so I think we could watch something until I have to leave."
"Sure. Can we watch Supernatural? PLEASE?"
"Yeah. Why not. You turn it on. I'm going to go see where Bear is."
    I got up and walked to the back of the house, and out the back door.
"Bear! Come here Boy!" I yelled. He came running back to me with a mouse in his mouth.
"OH COME ON! DROP IT!" He dropped it, and I grabbed it and threw it over the fence.
"Let's go back inside Buddy." He followed me back to the living room and I sat down. I pulled him up onto the couch, and Katie started the show.
"Guess what Bear caught."
"Another bee in his mouth."
"No. He caught a mouse."
"Gross. You know I'm scared of mice. Why would you tell me that?"
"To share my excitement that my three-legged dog caught something besides his own tail."
"Well that's true actually."
"See. Be happy with me!!"
"Okay. Fine. I'm happy. See? I'm smiling." She smiled at me.
"Yes. I can see. I have eyes. I am taking Bear with me when I go over to Sam's."
"You are not. Who am I suppose to snuggle with while you are gone?!"
"I don't know. I'm sorry. Sam really wants to meet Bear. And Bear needs to get use to him if he will be coming over a lot."
"UGH FINE. That's true. Okay. I will survive."
"Does Sam live with anyone?"
"No. He lives alone. Why?"
"Just wandering."
"I'm sure you are."
"I need to go start getting ready. I'm still in my pajamas."
"Yup. And your hair is a mess."
"Well thanks for your support."
PLEASE! Let me know in the comments if you like having Bear in this story.
Give me suggestions/ideas
Tell me what you think
Thank you for reading!
~Lizzi Günther

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