Stiles Stilinski- Jealous

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Stiles when he sees Aiden talking to you on the bus to the cross country meet  

"Is he seriously talking to her again?" Stiles exclaimed, standing up in his seat to get a closer look at you and Aiden.

Scott frowned as he looked over and saw Aiden moving over to talk to you again. "Sorry man... He knows how much it bugs you, I guess."

Stiles turned and gave him a look, but Scott just shrugged sheepishly.

"If it's any constellation," Danny suddenly turned around. "She smiles much more when she's talking to you."

A shocked expression crossed Stiles's face as he sat back in his seat. "Really?"

Danny nodded, as if it were obvious...which it was.

"Thanks Danny, that's so sweet." Stiles smiled at the boy, who shook his head in amusement and turned around.

Scott looked over at Stiles, who still had a small smile on his face. "It's true," he told his scrawny friend. "I can smell it when you two talk."

Stiles looked over at him with wide eyes, then looked back at you right as you turned around, ignoring Aiden, and smiled at him.

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