Ch. 4 Hello Again

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The door swung open as I took a small breath.

"Hi," Ben said with a shocked expression on his face. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't have anywhere else to go," I said as he stepped aside to let me in. I stepped into his apartment and felt guilt. I broke his heart when I ended the relationship. I had figured out that he felt like a friend rather than my boyfriend so I dumped him, I hadn't been ready for a relationship. It's unfair for me to bring him into my problems now but here I was.

"Do you want to explain what happened?" Ben asked with nothing but concern in his blue gaze. I sat on the couch next to him.

"I got into a huge fight with my mom and so I left," I said carefully. I wasn't sure if I wanted him to know about the topic of the fight.

"I find that kind of hard to believe Bex," Ben said softly. "You never fight with your mom."

"Ben, I'm a Gemini," I couldn't just hide this from him. "She didn't want me to train to fight and she grew angry when I didn't listen."

"Wait you are a Gemini?!" Ben gasped his eyes filling with interest. I trusted Ben completely with this secret I just was concerned about his reaction to me.

"Yes I am," I said as he took my hand in his.

"I need you to hear this Rebecca. You being a Gemini changes nothing in my eyes," Ben said as I nodded. "You are the same girl I dated and being a Gemini means you are stronger than before."

"Thanks," I said as he smiled. I could see the love in his eyes still. I saw pictures of us all over the apartment, he hadn't moved on yet. Was it fair to ask him to stay the night? I got to my feet walking to the window. I looked down at the lake as I contemplated what to do. He loved me so he wouldn't say no but that's why I shouldn't ask him. I didn't want to send him mixed signals about us.

"What's wrong?" He asked as I faced him.

"I should go," I said as he grabbed my hand.

"At least stay the night," he said as I looked into his hopeful gaze. His hope sealed what I should do.

"I need to get back to the compound but thanks for the offer and your concern," I said as he walked me to the door. I faced him wrapping my arms around him as his hands snaked around my waist. "Thank you for being a good friend." I released him quickly rushing from the apartment and down the street. I arrived back at the house only to find my mother arguing with Sapphire.

"I wouldn't have invited you to see them had I known you were going to fill there heads with Gemini thoughts. Josh wouldn't have wanted them to be in danger all the time," my mother snapped as Sapphire flinched.

"I disagree," she said calmly. "He would have made it their choice long ago. He never would have banned them from training."

"How would you know? You left him behind to die," my mother sniped as I gasped. I couldn't believe what she just said to Sapphire about my dad. She blames Sapphire for his death.

"I can't believe you," I yelled causing both of them to face me. "Not only are you blaming her for my actions but are blaming her because an evil man kill dad!"

"Sweetie," my mother started but I ran past her and up to my room. I slammed the door locking the door. I flopped onto the bed burying my face in the pillow. Tears threatened to spill down my face as I thought about the man I never knew. I longed to hear his voice, to feel his touch. I missed the man I called father. I hated my mother for refusing to talk about him. I had only seen a picture of him once and I had found the photo in my mother's room. Tears of anger and pain rushed down my cheeks rapidly. I just wanted my dad to help me through this. I continued to sob until my phone went off. I pulled the device out to see a text from Ben. I wiped the tears away as I read the text.

Ben: did you make it home okay?

Me: yeah except I caught my mom and my aunt fighting about me. She used my dad as a reason for me not to train.

Ben: are you okay?

Me: I don't know anymore. I hate being here.

Ben: should I come over?

I hesitated to respond back. I wanted to talk to someone about this but I didn't think Ben was the right one to talk to.

Me: no I'll be okay. My sister should be home soon.

Ben: if you need me let me know.

I set my phone down before pulling my clothes off. I stepped into the bathroom turning on the water. I leaned back into the tub the warm water soothing me. As I relaxed in the bathtub I thought about Ben. I found myself wanting him to come over but I also didn't want to risk hurting him again. My mind raced with what if scenarios. What if we got back together? What if I invited him over? What if I broke his heart again? I washed my hair quickly before getting out of the tub. I blow dried my golden hair quickly. I wiped my body with a towel before pulling on a blue floral knee high dress with spaghetti straps. I slipped black stiletto sandals on and a black leather jacket. I put on a frosted pink lipstick and mascara before I pulled my hair into a ponytail. I grabbed my phone before unlocking my room door. I turned opening the window climbing out. I didn't want my mom to know I left. I walked quickly down the street and up to a door. I did wait to knock on the door. The door opened as I smiled.

"Hello again," Ben said as I rushed forward my lips crashing against his.

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