Chapter 32

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Faith's pov.

"Noo!.." Victor yells , his voice strained from the harsh metal around his neck, his voice is broken just like his heart and mine. If this is the only way to set them free and live a normal life, so be it. I will no more hide and run away from my fear and past. This is where I draw my line.

Jack seems thrilled by my choice as he smiles at me with his yellow teeth from smoking, he enjoys the pain he causes me.

"FAITH YOU CAN'T DO THIS! PLEASE DON- DON'T DO THIS!" Victor begs me as Jack take ahold of my right hand, my heart is broken yet again. Closing my eyes and asking the Moon Goddess for forgiveness, yells can be heard around me, chains being pulled as Victor and Jace tries to break free but they don't have strength to do so. All their strength has been drained by him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" was barely a whisper, but they both heard me, his face falls to pain as he silently let out small sobs.

"Ah, come on now. You have been set free" Jack starts, mock dancing on the tip of his lips, while other men unchain them from their bounds "Shall we go?" Jack turns to me.

I swollow a lump in my throat as I only nod at him, leafs being crunch forced me to look back. Xander is In the front as the rest of them follow closely behind, disbelief on their faces.

"take care of them OK?" my voice carries sadness as they just give me a assuring smile, turning my gaze back to Jack, he awaits to link my arm in his. Taking all my will power I do it.


Walking away from all of them broke my heart, Victor tried to break free of Jason and Xander's hold but he was to weak. The bond between me and Victor pained me the most.

This was for the best, too keep them safe, they don't deserve this. No one does. I can't even use my powers, the Moon Goddess is holding me back, she isn't granting me any promision to use it, so on this moment I'm completely useless.

Jack carries his sick smile all the way back to the rotted house that he has kept me in, his men slowly following behind. The house brings horrible memories to me, the nights I have cried myself to sleep, wishing my own death.

Approaching the house I take a good look at it, some widows are broken, dead flowers and grass all around. Some bricks have been broken out, this house was abandoned for some time untill they have decided to take it over and call it their little torture grounds, torture grounds where I have been a victim to. Where I have been changed.

"Home sweet home" he sickly whispers in my ear, but I don't reply, I don't have the need to. This man has caused me so much pain, and so many others that I don't know of.

How does he sleep in night? Does he feel guilty for what he has done to innocent lives? Or does he gets his pleasure out of it, if that is the case, his sick in his mind, a rabbit dog that needs to be put down before he can infect someone else or cause any other deaths.

Only thinking about it makes my face screw up in disgust, it didn't go unnoticed by Jack of course, he turns to me as he stares Into my eyes with his cold hearted eyes. Keeping my gaze on him I challenge him to do something, I may be powerless but I have a lot more fight in me then I use to have.

"Let's get one thing straight..." he starts, his voice steady as he tries to search my face for any emotion "You are in my territory now, my rules, I own you, I won't tolerate misbehaving, so you better get your shit right! If you want your little friends to servive.... You listen to me"

I don't know what do i want to do. Smash his face in or just listen to him, my blood is boiling of him just mentioning my friends and my mate. I knew I brought them into trouble but I never thought he will use them against me.

Her Insanity ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz