Chapter 7

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Michael's pov.

Sitting in my room makes me more angry and pissed because i can't see my sister! I was foolish to think she was dead. I should have gone and looked for her but i didn't i thought about myself and i hate myself for that.

Just to think of the rogues that did this to her makes me go crazy. I can't believe she went through that. But now she is suffering the side effects.

According to me Redlocks are rare but the most dangerous plant ever to werewolf. It eats your brain sells and causes insanity. But 4 month's of it. Its really something else she should have been dead or worse.

I need to see her and i shall be damed if i won't. After making up my mind i stood up and went through the door.

Few people said "hallo" but i don't have the time now for any talks. My mind is on one person only, my sister.

The walk to the hospital was quiet but its dark already so not alot of wolfs are out this time of night.

The hospital view came into sight so i picked up my pace walking up the stairs to the doors.

Swinging them open i saw Zack sitting in the waiting room. This parks my anger even more. I am not allowed to come to the hospital but he can. She is my sister he's nothing of her.

"How come i am not allowed to be here but you can?!" I spat as he only turned his head to me. I can tell he didn't expect to see me here.

"Well... I was the one who brought her in, and the Alpha wanted me to find out what is wrong that is why i am waiting for Doc to return. He is stil busy doing test." He ended as i only exhaled. He is right. I just don't want her to get hurt again.

I took a seat next to him as he only patted my back to say he is supporting me and i appreciate it..

"I'm sorry I'm just on edge. Finding out my sister is alive sends my wolf into overdrive" i pleeded as he only smiled.

"I know i would have acted the same way" he said as we only laughed the matter of, just then Doc came around the corner and you can see from a mile away there is concern.

"Boys" he muttered as we both stood awaiting for the news. Doc takes a deep breath before finally speaking.

"The tests i have done came back to me but i have to say the results isn't very good., the poison has infected most of her body, it also caused a mutation in her blood system, if she would make it i don't know. We only can leave her at the Moon Goddess hand now." He ended. What? My sister might not even make it. I won't get the chance to talk to her to say sorry. She HAS to make it.

"What do you mean a mutation?" Zack asked as i felt tears form in my eyes. I know i seem weak but this is my sister i lost 3 years ago and when i finally found her this happens.

"Well i cannot say for sure. It can be anything really it can be abnormal speed, better hearing anything. If she make it then we can see what it is. But for now she's in a light coma. You can see her tomorrow" he pleeds as i only nodded.

"She IS going to make it" i spat as i just turned around and walk right out of the door. My sister can't die not now. She still has a life planed out for her. I should rest tonight and come and see her tomorrow. I can't lose her again. Not this time.


Zack's pov.

Eating the food that Maggie has left me in tge fridge i went and sit by the kitchen island. Mick has went to his place to rest. This is a stressful situation. Faith's life is in danger and the rogue attack is in 4days. There is to much pressure.

"Hallo dear" Sophie's voice rang through the kitchen as she walked in and looked through the frigde after grabbing a apple.

She is our so called witch she can see into the future if the Goddess lets her. She has a gift like no other.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I muttered as she just hummed and took a seat across from me.

"I had a vision of the girl" she blurted up and that got my attention. Narrowing my eyes i glared at her.

"Well?" I pushed her.

"She is a big part of this rogue attack. She is the one who is going to save us Zack. Her gift is amazing. U don't know what is her gift but all that i know is. By tomorrow the poison will be out of her body. And thats when her power comes to work the poison made a huge mutation in her body." She ended as she took a bite of her able.

I think i dozed of because my thoughts were broken when she snapped her fingers by my face. I snapped my head at her as she just shook her head.

"Zack. You need to know something" she muttered as whe put her apple down.

"What?" I asked as she just inhaled.

"But firstly how do you feel about her?" She asked as i thought what am i going to say.

"Honestly.. I don't know i care for her. I feel drawn to her in a way. I want to make her smile and i know it's wrong Sophie. I just can't shake this feeling. She makes me want to be with her. The Goddess wil punish me for feeling this way" i pleeded. Its true i feel for her but i don't know in what way. There is more to her.

"You stupit boy. You are blinded" she flatly said as i just narrowed my eyes. What does she mean

"What?" I asked her and she sat back in her chair.

"The poisoning she went through caused her wolf to go into hiding her wolf is more damaged then herself. So due to that.... She can't sense her mate not until her wolf comes back to her." She whispered only for me to hear.

"You are her mate.. But of her wolf went into hiding you can't feel the bond yet. Your wolf can't communicate with her wolf. That is why you are feeling this way toward her, you feel there is something but you have to wait for her to recover first. You won't tell her anything untill she feels the sparks and the bond her self. Let it happen on its self" she continued. Everything makes sense now. A pizzle has been put in its place. Now i understand why i have been feeling this way but she can't. She's my mate. But i have to keep it hidden until she is healed. My wolf is wimpering inside of me to tell everyone the news even though no one likes her, well no one knows her.

But i have to resist. I wil do this for her safety.

My mate is in a coma and she is near death. But Sophie said she would be the one who saves us from the rogues, her gift.

She might have been a rogue, but she is still my beautiful mate. My heart flutters at the thought of her being mine.. One thing i am proud to say is.

She is my soulmate

Whoop whopp.

Drama isn't over yet stil many to come..

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Remember to send covers to my email

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