Chapter 20

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Zack's pov

Faith's words still rings in my head. She only been gone for a day and it feels like it's forever, I agreed to let her go, she promised me she will return as soon as she had everything under control.

The women who took her goes by the name of Beverly, the Moon send her to show Faith the ways of her power. Faith's powers took her over, she almost took a life due to it.

A peace of a heart is missing she took it with her. I feel drained, I feel... Lost. If I could I would have gone with her but that was unacceptable to Beverly, Faith need time to do this on her own and I'm giving it to her. By the end of the day. Faith will be back in my arms.

"How are you doing?" my mother's voice ran through, snapping my head to the kitchen door she stood against the wall, just watching me. Ever since she left I came straight to my parents house I felt, more at ease..

"honestly. I don't know" is my only response. I feel empty without her, my mate.

"she will come back she promised" she reminds me, yes Faith Wil come back but when? The longer I am without her... I'm going to go insane!



"I know it hurts for leaving him behind dear but I promise, as soon as your power is under control you may go back to him" Beverly muttered besides me as we walk through the forest, it brings back memories about me still being a rogue and right now. It feels like that again.

"we better get started then shall we? What do I need to know firstly?" I ask, looking straight ahead but it's pitch black. It's easily 11:30 In night now.

"alright then, you have to learn to feel the emotions and contour it, controlling it is the most important one. You will be tested, there Wil be pressure on you but that is to make you control it. What happend with that boy wasn't your attentions, it was the overwhelming of all the emotions that is boiled up Inside of you, your body chose the easy one. The anger, toward the Rogues who kept you captive and tortured you. That emotion automatically focused itself on Alan, that is why you couldn't stop it, you lack of control Faith" she ended. It breaks my heart even going back to that memory to know I almost killed him. The moon Goddess gave me a gift and it's causing me to lose control, I am grateful for Beverly to come to my rescue.

"when do we start? With the training?" I questioned, she inhaled as she seemed in thought for a moment before she spoke.

"tomorrow morning we will start right away, sooner you start the sooner you can be with Zack without worrying of losing control" she pleads. A soft smile crept up to my face only thinking of him, I may carry his mark and he mine but my body needed his touch.

"how long will it take before I am ready?" I ask, she shrugged walking a step ahead of me, I only noticed it now but we reached a camping sight, four tents lined up, bonfire in the center with at least five wolves chattering to each other. Looking to Beverly she only laughs lightly.

" you really think I would be alone out here? And the answer to your question is, I don't know. It can take days, weeks, months even years. It all depends on how much control you give into it" she says sternly, the last part got me. Years? I can't stay so long from Zack out bond will grow weak and it can even fade away. Panicking rising inside of me Beverly noticed it as she comes to my side.

"Don't be negative. I promise I will do the best I can to quicken this process" she assures me, nodding to her words she prompted me forward to the five wolves sitting on the logs. Their eyes snap soon enough to my direction as we approached.

Four males and one female but if you count Beverly it's two females.

"Guys this is Faith. Be nice to her she's kind of like me" she mocked as they just smiled. Nodding to their direction they gave me a warm welcoming smile. It felt awkward to be around people I don't. Know.

"I am Xander pleasure to meet you Faith!" he cheered as he stood up. He was about my age and quite handsome, blonde hair and blue eyes, shaking his hand, I didn't have to tell them my name they already know what it is. " and these idiots are Jason" he pointed to the one next to him "this is Maddy" he pointed to the one other side of him "and that is Jace and Victor" he ended pointing at the other two that's sitting next to each other. I greeted them.

After the 7 of us talked for awhile Beverly recommended I should go get some sleep and I happily agreed. Snuggling into the sleeping bag, it was hard for me to fall asleep but I think they thought I were already, whispers could be heard. Perking my ears up I listen closer.

"what if she fails? She will be done for!" Maddy's voice argued.

"she'll be fine Mads! She's much stronger then she looks I can see it in her aura" Jason pleads.

"yeah but think of the possibilities guys! If she fails we are her dying puppets" she replied back and frustrated, my breathing picked up, this is a much more bigger deal then I thought.

"Maddy I am only going to say this once! She will succeed" it's Xander this time. So much proud in his voice.

"Xander is right Maddy, Faith is a very strong wolf. The Moon Goddess showed me her future, she will lead the Rogues away from innocent lives, the Goddess has something good planned for her, she's special." Beverly muttered under her breath. I am more scared now that before. What if I don't succeed? What if I fail? Will I become a monster.

" We'll see Bev, I have hope in her" it's Jace this time, they soon stopped with the whispering and I think I soon fell asleep after that.

"faith? Faaaaith! Rise and shine sleepy head!" Jason stood over me. Holding a bucket of ice water he drops it on me. Gasping for air that the cold water has sucked out of me, he smirks down at me.

Jumping to my feet I wanted to punch him in the face before Beverly's voice stopped me.

"lesson one, don't let emotions just come out, think them over" she casually Moses with her hands behind her back. So this was a fucking test!? Waking me up with ice water and testing my anger toward it.

"you gotta be Shitting me!" I bellowed, she seems unfazed about my attitude "you just can't go around throwing ice water on them!" I screamed at her witch she didn't even flinch.

"see Faith, you want to learn the fast way. So this is the fast way, control your emotions Faith otherwise you won't get to far"

Sorry guys this chapter is a bit short, the next chapter will definitely be better.

Lots of love.


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