Current Mood - 11:05 pm

343 16 3

Never let them see you cry,
Don't show them you're dying inside,
When they ask if you're okay tell them "I'm fine," even though it's a lie

Wear a mask to hide your face,
For all the times you've been called a disgrace,
Got people telling you you're a waste of space,

Don't speak your mind,
Keep everything inside,
The whole world's blind,
Thinking they know you but they lied,
They don't know anything about you because they don't care,
Words leaving your lips just tossed in the air,

"Do you hear me? Or are you just not listening?",
I got a bottle of pills sitting on the counter and they're whispering,
The voices- they're driving me insane,
Makes me want to take a hammer to my brain,
To make it stop,
But they won't stop, not until I drop,

"I don't want to be alive,"
It's not like I'm living... I'm just trying to survive,
Hanging on to this thing called "life",
So scared and hurt I resort to the knife,
It's my life, I do what I please,
My mind, my thoughts, they say it's a disease,

They say I'm sick,
Or that I'm being a huge dick,

I shrug my shoulders and give 'em a stare,
An action showing them I don't care,
That I'm well aware,

Maybe I am sick,
Or maybe they're just blind,
This life I'm living surely ain't mind,
I don't want to be alive,
I wish I could fly,
So I can take a dive,

Off this building and hit the concrete down below with a splash,
Or get into a super serious car crash,

Or maybe I'll pick up this knife,
Take it across my wrist twice,
Let the blood flow until I can't feel no mo',
Let it gush from my veins,
Sending my mind into a daze,

I see a light,
It's white- super bright,
In arms reach,

"I'm home."

I'm Fine.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt