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9:15 pm - Wednesday

She dimmed on the lights before fully entering the room, a smirk on her face and a can of whipped cream in her hand. Slowly, she approached the bed, placing the can to the side. "Happy two year anniversary, baby," she whispered, placing her finger under his chin and placed a sweet kiss to his thin lips.

He watched as she stood to her full height of 5'3", dropping her robe and stood in black lace panties, no top. "Lets have some fun," she whispered.


11:54 pm - Wednesday

He turned on his side, placing a stray strand of hair behind her ear and smiled. "You know I love you, right?"

"I love you more," she giggled.

He smiled, pulling her impossibly closer and kissed her forehead. "Get some sleep, babe. It's getting late." She exhaled a laugh through her nose, playfully rolling her big brown eyes but agreed, snuggling deeper into her boyfriend's chest, sleep soon finding her. He held her close, quietly singing to her, placing kisses to her warm, soft skin. He couldn't imagine his life without her.

She was his world.


6:00 am - Thursday

"I love you," he whispered, gently kissing his girlfriend on the cheek. She smiled in her sleep. He grabbed his jacket from behind the door and headed down the hall, grabbing an apple before heading to work.

He hated leaving her alone, especially for as long as he did everyday. Wake up at six, return home at two. That's eight hours of his day gone without seeing his girlfriend, it pained his soul.

He hopped into his Jeep, starting the engine and allowed the vehicle to heat up before departing. The office building he worked in was only an half hour away, he'd make it there early with a few minutes to spare. In that time he'd call his girl, it was their daily routine.

The road was wet from the previous night downpour. The sky dark and kind of foggy. He hoped there were no idiots on the road this morning, especially this early.

"Shit!" He screamed, quickly attempting to swerve out of the way, but to no avail. The pick-up truck hit him head on, sending his car over the railing into a ditch, tumbling down a steep hill where it smashed into a tree.

He died immediately on impact.


6:45 am - Thursday

"You have reached the voicemail box of, Tim Redd, please leave a message after the tone. Beep!"

"Hey, babe, it's Rebecca. I was just calling to make sure you were okay... you weren't replying to my text and I got worried. Call me back."

She re-dialed the number. It rang once then moved start to voicemail. Rebecca called, and called, sent text message after text message but received no response.


7:21 am - Thursday

"It's Rebecca again, call me back now, Tim. This isn't funny in the slightest. Bye."

She quickly went to messages, seeing they were all delivered, but not read. She began pacing, biting her nails.

"Why isn't he answer me?" She groaned, plopping on the couch and flicked on the tv. The news was on.

Right before she changed it, a familiar object caught her eye. She quickly stood up, turning the volume all the way up on the large, flat screen.

"-we find ourself at a terrible sight. Local business man, Tim Redd, has been found dead in his totaled car here off of route 100."

A gasp escaped Rebecca's lips, her hands letting go of the remote. Her legs failing her, allowing her to collapse to the floor. Her heart was heavy, her head spinning out of control. Endless tears rushed down her face, her cries loud and heartbreaking.

The words of the newscaster repeated in her mind: "Tim Redd, has been found dead..."

Tim Redd, has been found dead.

Dead, dead, dead.

She grabbed her phone and with shakey hands dialed his number on the keypad.

There was a ring,

And then,

"You have reached the voicemail box of-"

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