Seeya Soon Patrick Jr.

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Nadia sat in between her husbands legs, smiling to herself as he unconsiously rubbed her baby belly, whispering softly in her ear. "You're so beautiful, babe."

She leaned back, puckering out her lips. He placed his lips softly on hers, smiling into the kiss. "I have to pee," Nadia whispered, standing and walked to the bathroom. She hummed, swiping through instagram doing her business. She wiped and stood to flush and screamed. "Patrick! Oh my god! Patrick!" She began to cry staring blankly into the toilet bowl.

There was so much blood. Why was she bleeding?

Patrick burst into the bathroom. "Nadi what's- oh my god." He grabbed his phone and dialed the ambulance. "We need help."

"Patrick," Nadia whispered, her body going limp as she hit the ground. Darkness surrounding her.

She had a miscarriage.


A few days had pasted and the day Nadia and Patrick dreaded had arrived. It was the day of their baby's funeral.

Nadia dressed in an all black fitted dress with matching black heels. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. She wore no makeup, except some mascara and black lipstick.

Her husband, Patrick, wore black slacks and matching black dress shoes. A plain white button up with a black jacket. His hair was brushed back nicely. Not a hair out of place.

The couple stared down at the little grave, Patrick read the writing on the tombstone aloud: R.I.P Patrick Graves Jr. May 2017 - September 2017.

Nadia couldn't hold back the tears threatening to fall. She released them, collapsing to her knees, covering her face with her hands. She inhaled shakey breaths, choking over her own sobs as she whaled into the afternoon. Patrick stood still, silent tears streaming his face.

Nearly an hour had passed and the two decided to head home. The ride was rather long and dead silent. Until,

"I don't want to be alive," Nadia whispered.

"Don't say that," Patrick spoke seriously, "that's an awful thing to say."

She shrugged, staring out the window at the open water as they drove over a bridge. An idea sparked in her mind and she took action. Reaching for the steering wheel and making Patrick (accidently) stomp on the gas pedal sending the two hurdling over the edge.

There was a splash,

Their car sank,

And, they drowned.

I'm Fine.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang