Third loop

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She was given another chance, the third time. But why, why was she given another chance when it was going to end up like this.

This time she didn't do anything. She didn't plan anything, she didn't even attempt to kill her, ruin her, nothing. But in the end she was the one framed.

It was Violet's fault, ha the irony. In my first life Violet was the one who didn't do anything and stood by as the other noble girls continue to bully that woman. Now I in her place did nothing as she tried to bring that woman down in my place.

But still in the end it seems I still fell into ruin.

It doesn't matter, the third time. I didn't try anything but push away my emotions, silently cursing her in my head, and watch as she stole my fiancé again.

In this life I tried to make things better with my fiancé, I even tried to civilly talk to that woman. But it seems effort came to not, and I was scorned again.

So in the end although actions differ and people try to change, it ended in the same way.

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