Chapter Twenty Six

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   The blond ran to the nearest green door he could find. The moment he threw open the door, the projector started.

   'Memory of Influence #73'

   It showed Akira as he was today, but about a year younger, a girl with long wavy hair was putting a bunch of clothes in front of him to see his size. Everyone else came in by then.

   "Who's that girl...?" Yusuke said, almost sounding jealous.

   "Dunno, I'm guessing an ex girlfriend. She looks kinda hot!" Ryuji said, getting himself glares from the girls.

   The girl on screen was putting another shirt up to Akira's chest, but he pushed her away frustrated.

   "Lacy, stop! I don't like these clothes! They look too flashy!"

   "Who asked what you like? If you wanna be my boyfriend, you gotta dress the part~!"

   Akira looked completely annoyed by her. But then he folded his arms and made a bit of a shy pout face.

   "Ok, Lacy-Chan..."

   The girl, apparently know as Lacy, smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

   "Now, let's see how blazers look on you~!"

   Then it went off.

   "That girl was a jerk!" Futaba cried, "What did Akira see in her?"

   "Who knows... I bet green doors are his annoyed memories. Did you see how disgusted he looked at her?" Mishima folded his arms.

   "I remember seeing a door at the end of the hall glowing... what kind of memory do you think is in there...?" Yusuke asked.

   "Maybe, his biggest most important memory of all... maybe where his treasure is!!" Ryuji suddenly cried.

   "No. I can't sense the treasure around here," Morgana said with an annoyed look aimed at the blond.

   "I'll tell you something I sense!!" Futaba had wide eyes. "Two shadows! Close by! Both kinda weak... or strong...? These two are weird as heck!!"

   Yusuke felt he knew what she was talking about. He rushed out the room and looked around. For sure, the two little shadows were hurrying away in panic; the little girl and the little jester.

   "Hold on, I only wish to talk!!" He called out.

   The little shadows hurried around a corner. Yusuke wasn't gonna lose them this time. He instantly sprinted after them—he could hear the others running behind him. The shadows were fast, but at some point he had them cornered. They both cowered in a corner, both whimpering.

   "Who are these two?" Haru came up beside Yusuke.

   "D-Don't hurt us please!!" The little girl cried.

   "We won't cause you any trouble!!" The jester cried.

   Yusuke was frustrated, he wanted to end this nonsense. But he calmed himself and spoke softly to the shadows.

   "We won't hurt you. We only want to know who you are and why you keep watching us. You obviously know something about our friend, Akira,"

   They both looked up in slight interest. Yusuke leaned down to their level.

   "He's your prince, right? And he's suffering? We only want to help him. But we'll need your cooperation, ok? Can you please tell us your names?"

Desire and Love [AkiraxYusuke P5]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum