part 30

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There is no doubt about it, I am definitely pregnant. . but by who? Kaleb or my .. my Dad? As much as I don't want to be pregnant, I'd rather it be Kaleb's baby. I don't want to be pregnant by my father but with my luck I will be. By the way my dad rapes me and throws me around , the baby isn't gonna last long anyways. not to mention he rarely ever gives me food.. I didn't want my first pregnancy to be like this, and I definitely didn't want to lose a baby either..

I had to tell Kaleb and my dad that I was pregnant, maybe they'll be more careful with me. yeah like that's ever going to happen.. I screamed out "I'm pregnant now are you happy!" At first there was no response but then both Kaleb and my dad walked into the room arguing. "Now we're going to have to take her to the doctor, we can't let that fucking baby cause her to die. there's no telling how long she has been pregnant", I heard my dad saying to kaleb. they both walked toward me and yanked me up. "you need to clean yourself up and look presentable. I'm going to give you some clothes and allow you to shower. If you try anything stupid , you will regret it !", my dad said angrily.

It felt nice to take a shower and be in clean clothes. I finished up and my dad dragged me with him out of some door into a car.

I looked around and for some reason this place seemed so familiar but I couldn't  put a name on where I was.. I kept trying to think of it.. It must have been from my childhood but when ? and where ?

I rewinded my mind a bit and tried to play some flashbacks to places I went as a kid.

it finally hit me! I knew where I was ! My dad used to always take me here when I was real young. He never told me what it was and why we were there but I definitely have been here plenty of times before.. it suddenly dawned on me that my dad used to take me here and do the same thing to me as a kid that he is doing now. wow how I could I have ever forgotten that?

this might be my chance to finally get some help and set not only myself but also my mom free. I'll have to tell someone. maybe one of the doctors or nurses or anyone ! I just have to get away from my father long enough to tell someone and get some help. how was i going to do that ? he's not gonna want to leave my side because he thinks I'm going to try and escape. I have to figure out something!

I think I have a plan. I think that this just might work. This might finally be it, my freedom.!!!!!!

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