part 10

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I finally arrived to school luckily 1 minute before the bell rings. I walk inside the building and rush to my first class. I enter the classroom door right as the bell rung. thank god I wasn't tardy. who knew what my dad and step mom would have done. I take a seat at my desk and pull out my notebook while grabbing a pencil out of my bag. I open up the notebook and begin doodling. I must have been lost in my own world because Mrs. Bailey, my science teacher, was talking to me the whole time. I snap back into reality apologizing to her for not responding. "Are you alright there?" she asked me. "yes I'm fine." I responded. of course I was lying. I can't tell her the truth. that would just cause more problems, more drama that I don't need. Why must my life be so hard? why must I live like this? I kept thinking to myself. I was forced back into reality when a note was placed on my desk. I look around trying to see where it came from. I reached for the note opening it up. it read "look to your left, hi I'm Kaleb. we should get to know eachother. want to hang out sometime?" I looked to my left and a very attractive guy waved my way. I placed a half smile on my face waiving back. Not that I need a guy in my life right now but it would be nice to have a friend. I grabbed the note and my pencil and wrote back. "yeah sure why not. meet you after class." I passed the note to a girl beside me and told her to give it to Kaleb and she did. A few minutes later the bell rang to dismiss class. I packed up my things and headed for the door to my locker just a few steps away. I open up my locker grabbing my things for my next class. Kaleb walked up beside me. I gave him a half smile and closed my locker. We began walking to my next class which he happened to be in also. "Hey want to sit with me at lunch today." he said looking at me and smiling. "sure I would love to." I replied smiling back. We walked into the classroom taking our seats. I began working on the classroom assignments. finally placing my mind on something else. As much as I hate school work, this was a relief. time sure flies when you are working hard. Before I knew it class was over. I grabbed all of my things and made my way to exit the classroom door. I make my way down the narrow hallway dodging people after people finally reaching the lunchroom doors. I open them up and take a step in walking towards the lunch line. I wasn't really up for eating so I just grabbed a bottle of water. Once I got through the lunch line Kaleb was waiting for me. I greeted him and we took our seats at an empty table far in the corner. We began talking and getting to know eachother. He seemed really nice. maybe a good friend is what I really need right now. This should be great. We made plans to sit together at lunch again tomorrow. Before I knew it lunch period was over. I grabbed my things making my way to the trash can throwing my empty water bottle away. Kaleb and I split our separate ways. I finished off the rest of my classes and the bell to dismiss school had rung. I make my way to my locker grabbing some things I need and placing the things I don't back in my locker. I began walking to the doors to exit the school building to start my long journey home. perhaps not long enough journey home. I dread going home. I dread what will happen once I get there. ughhh why me ?

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