part 8

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Bang! Bang! Bang! the sound of the fist pounding on the door echoed in my ear. My body quivering with every beat. Hoping he doesn't bust the door down. Suddenly the pounding stopped and it got really quiet. Maybe he gave up? No! The pounding began again. this time louder and harder. Tears running down my face as I see the door caving in right in front of me. What am I gonna do? what's he gonna do to me? The door was standing on its last straw one more hit and it will be down. He struck the door one more time. The door fell straight to the ground. My silent since of hope had disappeared. This is it. This is where I die? this is how I die? endless thoughts run through my mind as I see this stranger bust through my door and head towards me. He had some rope in his hands. I tried to come up with a face for this strange man but it was too dark. He came toward me grabbing my hands and feet tying me to the bed post. I tried to wiggle and kick out of his grip but I just couldn't. He was too strong. Once he had me all tied up he climbed on to the bed and got on top of me. Oh no! what's he gonna do? is all I could think about. He started to move closer and closer to my face. His lips got closer and closer to mine. I jerked my head so that he wouldn't kiss me. his hand rose and punched me across the face. "listen here you little slut, I told you not to jerk away from me. Now you're gonna pay!", he yelled. His hands started moving up and down my body. His right hand making his way into my pajama pants. I started wiggling and screaming but it was useless. He wasn't gonna stop. He began ripping my pajamas off of me and tossing them on the floor beside the bed. He then began rubbing his hands all over my body. reaching his right hand down between my legs and forcing them open. I scream forcing them back shut. his fist met my face one again. "little slut , you do as I say. you do whatever I want." he yelled. he spread my legs open once again this time placing his body in between them so that I couldn't close them. He ripped his jeans off and pulled of his underwear. Tears running down my face I start screaming No! Don't do that! Stop! He began laughing. "nothing you say is gonna stop me!" I screamed and started wiggling trying to free myself from the ropes. it was useless. they were to tight. He forced his whole manhood inside me. I let out a loud yelp. "stop it! stop it you nasty bastard!" He didn't stop. tears streaming down my face with every thrust. I screamed causing him to punch me square in the face. "stop screaming you filthy little slut!" he screamed. A car drove past our house and the light shown through my bedroom window. I had enough light to see his face. oh my god! I know who it is...

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