part 3

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I woke back up and the heaviness and pain had gone away. I look around trying to make since of last night. Who could have been in my room? What happened to me last night? Was it all just a dream?

I decided to go with it being just a nightmare. I sighed with relief and started to climb out of my bed laughing at myself for even thinking it could have been real. I mean come on the house has the most advanced technological security system. who could get in?

I proceeded to go take my shower. I removed my clothes and look at myself in the mirror. I noticed I had a bruise on my cheekbone. mmm must have been me hitting my head on the bed board again. I shrug my shoulders and walk to the bath tub turning on the water to my perfect temperature. I climb in the shower. Water flowing down my body I stand there still for a moment taking in the great feeling of the hot water soothing my body. I really enjoy taking showers. Its my alone time to think about anything I need to without being disturbed. I guess I spoke to soon. A loud bang on the bathroom door removed me from my train of thought. "Get your sorry ass out that shower right now!" my dad yelled. I sigh and turn off the water grabbing my towel so that I could dry off. I quickly get dressed and tie my hair in a loose pony tail. I look at myself one more time in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom. I started making my way down stairs. heading to the kitchen to get something to eat I hear my step mom say " what do you think you're doing?" I replied with "getting something to eat" and she laughed and said "you don't eat unless I tell you to eat" she slapped me across the face knocking me to the ground. I reach my hand up caressing my face where she had just smacked me. I sigh and stand back up.

I went back up stairs to grab my things for school. I head back down stares to ask my dad and step mom for a ride. "no you can walk to school" they both say. "but that's a 10 mile walk. I'll be late" I replied. they just shrugged their shoulders and laughed. I took a deep breath and headed out the door. I guess I'm actually okay with walking to school. It means I can get away from them.

Useless and Unwanted ..Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant