Part 25

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Really dreading what that noise was I stayed wrapped around Kaleb as tight as I could. He noticed my fear and hugged me back just as tight. I motioned my mom to come sit on the other side of me. We sat there in complete and utter silence. just thinking ...

Our failed attempt at escaping could possibly lead to far worse than we have already experienced. . .

Just thinking about each thing that could happen to us now made me want to just give up now. I can't handle any of this anymore. !! My life is meaningless. I get used and abused and I just have no purpose in this poor excuse of a world. . but I can't give up ..

Our only hope is to kill my father. then maybe we will finally be free....

As bad as that sounds it might be our only way out and as much as this man has put me through I wouldn't regret it one bit. .

We heard a noise once again this time placing our eyes on the door. I saw a shadow entering through the doorway...

Oh no this is it! My dad found us. He must have had this planed out. He must have known we would try to escape and end up in this room. why were we too stupid to see this happening? We should have known we wouldn't have escaped I mean come on, nothing ever works in our favor.

He makes his way in the door way with blood oozing out of his forehead from where Kaleb had hit him. You could see the anger built up in his eyes. He was more mad than he has ever been...

Who knows what's going to happen to us now! This could be our death.. but then again why would he kill us? he said he waited so long to be with me and now that he has me I know he wouldn't kill me. As much as I don't want to die, death might be better than going through this shit!

I take one final glimpse at Kaleb and my mom. The fear in there eyes just made me want to cry. Neither of them would be going through this if it wasn't for me...

I cause so much trouble. so much pain. so much sadness to everyone...

I could feel the tears swelling in my eyes as I saw my dad making his way over to us...

Wondering who he was going to go after first ?

wondering what was going to happen to us?

He motions all of us to stand up and pushes us toward the door way and out the door. He pushes us until we are back up in the room we were first in when all of this happened.

I am the cause of all of this! I know what I have to do!

Useless and Unwanted ..Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum