part 14

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I could not believe my eyes. Were my eyes fooling me? Is this really happening? "Ma... Ma.... Ma... Ma... Mom.. Is that you?" , I managed to say. "Yes honey it is me." , she replied. "Buuu but I, I thought you died?' , I questioned. "Honey i'll explain later. Now get up and get away from your nasty father.", she said while giving my dad an evil, disgusted look. I quickly climbed up grabbing my clothes and putting them back on. Am I dreaming? How could this happen? My mother was murdered 6 years ago... How could this be? I.. I.. I... just don't understand. "Sweetie lets go somewhere to talk." , my mom exclaimed.

We headed down to the local coffee shop. My mom went and ordered us some coffees and blueberry muffins while i found us a place to sit. I sat down eagerly waiting for my mom. I needed an explanation. I needed it now! Six years without my mom and then she just randomly shows up at my door? Where has she been all this time? Why did she leave me? Does she even know what i've been going through? Does she care at all? I was removed from my train of thought when my mom sat down across from me with our coffee and muffins. I looked at my mom with the sort of desperate, eager expression "ok go ahead.. Explain now!!!!" 

"Listen honey, as you can see i was never murdered. Your father told you that to cover up his tracks. I have been trapped under the ground for the past six years. I tried to escape but I just couldn't. No matter how hard I tried and believe me i did try. I was bout ready to give up but you were my motivation. I knew you were living through hell with your father and i just couldn't let you live that way for the rest of your life. I was recovered by these hikers who overheard my yelling and banging. I could never thank them enough. They helped me escape. They helped me get free and most importantly they helped me get back to you." , she explained. I looked at her with the most shocked expression. I couldn't believe my ears. This whole time I thought she was dead and then she shows up at my bedroom door just out of the blue.

"Mom i've been through so much since you have been gone. Dad married this new woman and she is absolutely awful. She beats on me and treats me like a dog. Don't even get me started on dad. He beats me daily and calls me god awful names. He takes advantage of me and rapes me. I just don't think that I can handle it any longer. No words can describe the severity of my pain." , I described. "Honey I know. That's why i'm getting you out of this mess.", she said. "Now lets head back home to grab your things and then we will be getting out of here for good." , she said with joy.

We make our way out of the coffee shop and head back home to grab my things. I am so happy and relieved. No words can describe my feelings right now. I've got my best friend back. The person who I thought that I would never be able to see again back here with me and not to mention i'm getting away from my horrible father and step mother. I would have never imagined this. It is the best thing that has ever happened to me! 

We get back to my house and walk in making our way back up to my bedroom to pack up my belongings. My mom walks into the door first. She was whacked in the back of the head by a two by four. I ran in screaming, "Nooooo!!! Mom!!!" Bending over her body I try and make sure she was ok. Tears streaming down my face. I can't lose her again! I won't let it happen! Caught off guard when something comes flying towards me hitting my head causing me to stumble and fall to the ground. I look around trying to make since of what was going on when I feel blows repeatedly to the head. I could feel my eye lids grow heavy to a point where black was all i saw.....

Useless and Unwanted ..Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt