Chapter 31- A New Flame

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"Jared!" I scream, shooting up quickly, pain spreading through my body. Tensing at the burning sensation, my eyes flash around the room. I'm in a hospital room. The pale blue of the walls reflects back at me, the machines shout at me. I am alone. The fabric on my body is not the same as it was earlier. 

I look down, my eyes squinting at the bandages wrapped around my arms and my right leg. There is a clip hugging onto my finger, counting my heartbeat. It is going fast. Why does my skin burn? I don't remember touching the fire. 

Again, I look around, in search of my phone. I spot it sitting on the end table next to my bed. Reaching for it, I suddenly freeze. As my skin pulls with my movements, the pain immensifies significantly. A small yelp escapes my lips as I let my arm fall back to my side. My chest hurts too, as though I've gotten the wind knocked out of me and I cannot catch it. There's only been one other time its felt like this- when my parents died. I remember crying so hard my muscles ached and my chest burned. 

"Hello!" I call out, cringing at the straining of my voice, "Hello!" I yell louder. 

Within seconds, the door opens and a nurse rushes in. The way she walks displays her worry, and though she tries hiding it with a smile, I can see right through her, "Oh good, you're awake!" Her voice is forced joy. 

I nod, "My throat... I need water. Please." 

With a nod, she rushes out of the room, soon returning with a plastic cup filled with water. I grab it greedily and gulp down the entire drink in three sips. She takes the empty cup from me and places it on the end table, "How are you feeling, honey?" She questions.

"Everything burns." I answer simply, my eyes refusing to stop wandering around the room. 

"Do you remember anything that happened?"

"F-fire." I breathe out, replaying the scene in my head. I see Jared, the flames trapping him. I can hear the structure of the house cracking and breaking. I can feel the heat as we nearly escaped, "There was a man who-who rode in the ambulance with me. W-where is he?" I slowly sit up.

"He stayed for the first night, but he said he had to go to work."

"Wait, the first night? How long have I been in here?" The beeping of my heart monitor begins to speed up. The nurse's eyes look at the screen before quickly averting them back to me.

"You've been asleep for three days." 

Three days?! 

"What about Jared? Is-is he still here? Is he okay?" I fail to cover the panic in my voice. 

"Calm down, honey," The nurse warns, my heart monitor beeping even faster. 

"No! No! Just tell me if he's okay! Where is he!" My voice raises.

She steps closer to my bed, "Please calm down, Miss Y/L/N! You're only gonna make things worse." 

She's right. I sit back further into the thin mattress, inhaling deep breathes to slow my heart rate back down. She smiles thankfully at my cooperation. Once I calm down, I ask her again, "Jared. I don't know if he was admitted or not, but I just need to know that he's okay, please."

She sighs, then grabs a clipboard, "Leto?" I nod. Her finger runs down the paper before it stops and she clicks her tongue against her teeth, "He's in room 276."

I begin to sit up, but she pushes me back down, "Nuh-uh. You need to stay in bed. You have third degree burns-"


"No. You have to stay here... but I can check and see if he's well enough to see you."

My eyes widen and I grab onto her hand as a way of thanks, "Yes! Please do! Thank you!" 

"I can't promise anything, honey."

"If he can't come, just tell him I'm sorry... can you do that for me?"



The clock makes it's 23rd rotation since the nurse left, and I'm beginning to grow irritated. 23 minutes has felt like 23 years. I just need to see him. Suddenly, I hear the door click open. My head turns fast.

And then, I felt nothing. The pain eased. My chest exhaled the smoke, and a new flame took over as his blue eyes met mine. They were the water that put the fire out, and his arms were the blankets that protected me from the ashes, "Jared!" I cry out, ignoring the stinging as I hug him back. I bury my face in his neck, taking in his touch and his scent. 

My cheeks become wet as tears rush from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry." He sobs, holding onto me for dear life. I hold back with equal strength, not wanting to let go. Ever. 

I pull my head back, my arms still locked tightly around his shoulders, "I love you. I love you. I love you." I cry heavily. He raises his hand and softly wipes the tears from my face, giving me the chance to notice a cast on his ring finger. He leans forward and crashes his lips onto mine, taking back what he lost. Me. In his kiss he let me relive every good memory I've had, every shared experience, every "I love you." I am his. And he is mine. If it takes a few flames to help us remember that, then so be it. 

We pull apart, eyes scanning each others, "I love you. I thought I was gonna lose you, Y/N. I  was such an idiot. I'm so sorry."

"Just shut up and kiss me again."

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