Chapter 20~ Moving Day

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J: Babe!

J: Y/N!

J:Love! I miss youuuu

J: Ditch shopping and come cuddle!!!!

J: Baby!



J: I love you.

J: Come over

J: Baby

J: Baby, pleeeeeeeaase

J: Y/N

J: Come to me, beautiful

I smile at my phone, dialing his number.

"Baby!" He answers after two rings. I chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"Thanks for the spam, you nerd. I was worried something bad happened until I read your messages."

"Something bad did happen! I realized my lover wasn't in my arms where she belongs." He whines.

I laugh, "You're cute. But, y'know unfortunately I can't come over everyday. I have a cat and a house to take care of." I sit up, running my hand through my hair.

"Move in with me."

My smile drops, "Jared-"

"No, Y/N, I'm serious! There's plenty of room, and I like cats!" He cuts me off.

I sigh, "That's a huge commitment, J. You'll be sick of me in a week."

"Oh shut up! I love you, and living with you won't change that."

A small smile rises to my lips, "I'm down if that's really what you want."

"Only if you want to."


I place the last box in the moving truck. Houses sell really fast when you're famous.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead, turning and looking back at the house I've lived in for five years.
With a sigh, I grab Tink, who's sleeping in her cat carrier, and sit her in the passenger seat of my car. I text Jared and let him know I'm on my way.

Once I arrive at his place-our place- he rushes out in a white tank top and ripped jeans.

He greets me with a kiss on the cheek when I get out of my car. We head to the back of the moving truck and start grabbing boxes. I donated most of my furniture, considering I won't need it here.

Once we get everything inside, I decide to unpack my clothes. Jared helps me bring my dresser into his room before going in the kitchen to make lunch. While he does that, I organize my clothes and put them away.

"Hey, babe!" I call.

"Yeah?" I hear him yell back from the kitchen.

"What're we gonna do with these boxes?"

"I don't know! We can always burn them!" He answers.

"But what if I need them again?"

"Then keep 'em in the garage!"

For now, I just kick the boxes to the side of the room.

I pull my hair up into a messy bun then walk into the kitchen, propping myself up onto the counter next to him.

"Hi." He stares at me.

"What?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Nothing," he shakes his head, "you just look really beautiful right now- no makeup, messy hair-"

I shove his shoulder, a blush rising to my cheeks, "Stop."

"No. My baby deserves to know she's beautiful." He places his hand on my cheek, leaning in and giving me a quick kiss before going back to his cooking.

I smile softly, "Well, I'm gonna go back to unpacking." I slide off the counter.

"K. Let me know if you need help with anything."


By 8:30pm, I'm done packing and exhausted. I'm laying on the couch when Jared decides to squeeze in next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm tired." I whisper.

"Then go to bed."

"But I'm too tired to get up." I groan, burrying my face into the pillow.

I hear him chuckle before he lifts me and holds me in his arms, carrying me into our room. He lays me down on the bed and climbs in next to me. I shuffle closer to him, nuzzling into his chest, falling asleep almost instantly.

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