Chapter Two~ He Kissed My Knuckles

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Standing in front of me is Jared Fucking Leto! I inhale a shaky breath, my eyes immediately going wide.

"Woah, sorry about that." He chuckles, still holding onto my arms. My god, he's more beautiful in person.

Say something! He's staring at you!

"O-oh! No, I'm sorry. I w-wasn't watching where I was going..." I trail off, losing myself in his stunning blue eyes. They crinkle slightly as he smiles down at me, letting go of me. My arms progressively get colder without his touch.

He glances down at the script in my hand, "Are you auditioning?" He asks. Holy fucking shit Jared Leto is trying to start a conversation with me! Just, stay calm. Don't creep him out by fangirling.

"Yeah, for the role of Alex." I reply, proud of myself for not stuttering.

"Well, um good luck..." He raises his eyebrows as a cue for me to introduce myself.

"Oh, I'm Y/N." I say shyly, looking at the floor.

He takes my hand and raises it to his lips, planting a quick kiss on my knuckles, "It's very nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Jared."

My face heats up as a strong blush rises to my cheeks. Seeing I'm at a loss for words, he just smiles, "I'll see you around?"

"I guess it depends on whether or not I get the part." I reply.

"Well, I hope you do because I got offered the role of Jayden. I wasn't going to take it, but you look like a fun person to work with." With that, he flashes me one more smile then walks off.

"Oh my god." I whisper, staring at my knuckles. That's it, I need to get this motherfucking role!

I pull the door open and see a line of girls, most of them in dresses or skirts. I go to the back of the line as it slowly descends, eventually taking me to the front.
"I'm Y/N, auditioning for Alex." I greet with a tiny bit of fake confidence.

"Okay, Miss Y/L/N, we're just going to have you read the first diolauge in scene three, and may I just say that you really got Alex's look on point." I recognized the director's voice from our phone call earlier.

I give a nod before inhaling a deep breath, channeling into Alex, "Sometimes, it's as if the smoke from my cigarette is my problems fading into the air. Everybody knows them, everybody sees them. I know what people say about me, but I can't change who I am, so I guess I'll just have to get used to it." I speak in a mixture of sadness and frustration, scruncing my face slightly to show my emotion.
A small round of applause is bestowed upon me, making me me smile with relief, "That was very good, Y/N. I could clearly pick out your emotions through your facial expressions, however, I just need you to do an exercise. I'm going to give you an emotion and a number, and you're going to show me what that looks like. Okay?" I nod in understanding, "Happy, 1." I give a slight smile and look down, "Happy, 2." I smile a bit bigger, "Happy 3." I start showing my teeth, adding in a quiet laugh. We continued this up to ten, and we did this for happy, sad, angry, in love, and fear. "Very nice," The director says, "We'll be giving you a call within the next two weeks."

"Thank you, sir." I speak, trying not to smile and act like a professional. I leave the room, squealing with excitement. I NAILED THAT SHIT!

I take a second to collect myself before striding out to my car with a spring in my step. As soon as I get in and close the door, I scream with excitement, the biggest smile on my face. I haven't genuinely smiled like this in a long time. I look down at my knuckles and scream again. Not only am I pretty sure I'm getting the part, but I met Jared Leto AND HE KISSED MY KNUCKLES!!!

I stop screaming to take a much needed breath, seeing movement from the corner of my eye. I turn my head slightly and feel the color drain from my face. Across the lot is Jared leaning against a white Camero, watching me.

Oh fuck.

I gulp, not breaking eye contact. I slowly reach up and start my car, speeding out of the lot. He probably thinks I'm insane. With my luck, I'm over my head and probably won't get the part, which means I won't work with Jared, and he'll completely forget about me. Hopefully.

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