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Dua's POV
"Hey, guys." I said while entering got7's studio. (a/n: dua now knows that their friend group is called got7)

"Hey, Du." Youngjae said.

"Do you know where Jackson is?" I asked.

"I haven't seen him today. Why?" He asked.

"Mrs. David wants to see us."

"Oh, I'll call him for you." Jinyoung said.

"I tried, he didn't pick up. But thank you, guys." I said.

"It's no proble-" They got cut off by the door opening, revealing Jackson who was buttoning up his shirt and a girl who's make up was ruined.

"Quick, hide before they see you." Youngjae said and pulled me into a closet with him.

"D-does Jackson do this regularly?" I whispered.

"I don't know. It's the first time I've seen this happen." He whispered back.

"Okay..... we gotta listen to what they say." I whispered. Youngjae nodded. I put my ear on the door.

"Alright. I'll see you later, Jackson." The girl, who I didn't know the name of, said.

"Sure." Jackson said sarcastically.

I heard the door close. I amused she left and I opened the closet. Youngjae and I stepped out.

"Shit." I heard Jackson say.

"Mrs. Davis wants to see us." I said and quickly left the studio. As I was walking, Jackson catched up on me.

"Dua, are you mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be?" I said sarcastically.

"Dua, please. We aren't even a real couple." He whispered. I started walking faster. Jackson quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him.

"Let me go." I said while sternly looking into his eyes. He smirked.

"What?" I asked, obviously mad.

"I won't let you go, until you admit that you're jealous."

"I-I'm not jealous! I'm just mad. What if she is going to tell anybody that's she's sleeping with you? Do you think that will help your career?" I whispered to him, so no one would hear us.

A group of paparazzi formed around us. I raised my eyebrow.

"They aren't allowed in the building, right?" I asked Jackson.

"I don't know if you noticed, but with how jealous you were I didn't think you would, but you walked outside if the building, baby girl." He said. He pushed his lips onto mine. I kissed back, for the show. I heard the paparazzi make pictures of us.

"Could all of you leave? My fiancée and I are trying to have some privacy." Jackson said to the paparazzi after he let go of me.

"Then you shouldn't come outside." One of them said. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's just go back inside the building, Jack." He nodded. We quickly got back inside while he was holding my hand. As we were walking to Mrs. Davis office, we walked past her assistant.

"You two made up from that day? Nice to see you still choose her over me, Jackson." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"I would never choose for you, Daisy. Dua is my fiancée and I love her with my whole heart." He lied. I acted as if I was flustered. We knocked on Mrs. Davis's door.

"Come in!" Jackson opened the door with one hand, while the other one was still holding my hand.

"My favourite couple! I got amazing news!" She said. Jackson and I just looked at each other.

Forced. { Jackson Wang }Where stories live. Discover now