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Dua's POV.
"BamBam? What are you doing in my office?" I asked while entering with a cup of tea.

"Oh, Dua, hey. I was lost on my way to Mrs. Davis's office and I thought maybe someone would be able to help me and I saw your name on this door." He said fast.

"You know that Mrs. Davis isn't at work until 8:30 AM, and it's only 7:52 AM right now." I put down my tea on my desk and crossed my arms, wanting to know what BamBam really wanted from me.

"Alright, I just wanted to get to know you better since you're Jackson's girlfriend and I thought maybe we could be friends?" He said.

"Why not? I mean I don't have anything to do right now."

"Oh thank God, the guys aren't here right now, I wouldn't have known what to do if you didn't say yes." I laughed a little at his words.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked.

"No, thank you." He was polite, expect the lying part though.


"Oh my God! You're kidding me, right?" I asked while laughing.

"I'm not." He laughed along. An hour had passed and I got to know him better.

"It was fun talking to you, but I really got to go to the guys. See you later, Dua." He said and gave me a highfive. I smiled. After he left, I stood up and started walking to Mrs. Davis's office, on my way there, I saw Jackson.

"Jackson!" He rolled his eyes.

"You again." This time, I rolled my eyes.

"Listen, let's make this easy for both of us, let's go tell Mrs. Davis that we both agree and then let's just not talk until we have to go out in public." I suggested. He nodded.

"That's a good idea." He said. I knocked on Mrs. Davis door, Jackson and I got in when she told us to.

"There are my favourite people in the world! You two are amazing! And Dua, I really appreciate what you're doing for Jackson." She said.

"It's no problem." I said. She smiled at me.

"Now, everyone's been talking about you two yesterday. Why didn't you two tell me yesterday already!" She said.

"Uhm, I kinda forgot what happened yesterday...." Jackson said. I laughed a little.

What a dumbass.

"The kiss! You really forgot about that?" She said.

"Oh right, the kiss."

"Okay, now, I got an suprise for both of you!"

"Spill the beans, Mrs. Davis." He said.

"You two are going on a date tonight. It's this open and chic restaurant, where everyone will be able to see you two! Be there at 8. Jackson, my assistant will call you with the information." She said excited.

"Alright....." I said, not so excited because Jackson sort of hated me.

"Your clothes will be sent at your homes. If I see you two wear something different, you'll be in trouble. Now, you two can leave." She said.

"I'll pick you up at 7, be ready by then." He said once we left the office of Mrs. Davis. Before I could say anything, he left.

My phone ringed so I quickly picked up. "Hey, Nea."

"Hey, Dua. I won't be home tonight, I'm going out with Tinie."

"Alright. But are you going to tell him?"

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