A Time to Heal

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Everyone was silent at the table. All except Asriel. He held his head in his hands and sobbed and Ray cried silently, large tears falling down his cheek.

His story told in full, Ray was silent, not wanting to talk anymore. He didn't want to be at that table. He didn't want to have to explain himself anymore. But he didn't want to be alone. Regardless of who these people were to him in another life, they had greeted him with nothing but questions and suspicion. He wasn't home. Home was gone. These people weren't really his-.

Suddenly a massive embrace silenced his misgivings. Toriel. Of course. He looked up to see her arms wrapped around him and, to his surprise and happiness, saw that Asgore was holding Asriel.

Next, Ray felt a small arm around his torso. He looked over his shoulder to see Frisk standing there, tears in her eyes. Her other arm was wrapped around Asriel.

Ray stiffened only for a moment. Looking around, however, seeing everyone around, Ray felt something he hadn't felt in what seemed like eternity although it was maybe only a week.

He felt hope in him again. He closed his eyes and gave himself to the warm love of his loved ones.


Maybe things could go back to the way things were after all...


The next day, Ray was awoken by a familiar smell wafting into his nose. He thought at first it was his fuzzy bro, but with another more purposeful sniff, he recognized the smell of Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie.

He gasped and sat up quickly, squinting from the light that was streaming in from the room's window. Had they left it open last night?

He felt around for his brother only to find more bed and no Asriel.

Forcing his drowsy eyes open, Ray saw a hilarious sight.

On the end of the bed, the green-plaid quilt that had been Asriel's cover had fallen off the bed sometime in the night, taking Asriel with it, it seemed like. Ray saw just Asriel's feet propped up over the edge of the bed and, looking over, saw Asriel asleep in a most uncomfortable looking position with his head, arms and upper torso on the floor and his lower torso and legs held up by the bed. His face was buried in a pile of pillows that had fallen off the bed, too.

Ray snickered to himself and, after debating with himself whether he should or not, pushed Asriel's feet off the bed, waking up the Boss Monster.

Asriel woke up with a snort and raised his head wearily and looked at Ray and said, "This had better be good."

Ray grinned and said, "Well, first off, your sleeping arrangement is a little different from what Toriel came up with," Asriel realized he was on the floor and sighed resignedly. Wasn't the first time this had happened.

"Also," Ray continued. "smell that?" He took a deep draught of air along with the now slightly curious Asriel.

Asriel suddenly sat up quickly and, looking at Ray, he asked conspiratorially, "Is that...?"

Ray smiled and nodded.

Then, to Ray's annoyance, Asriel said, "First Slice!" before he even finished nodding. When their mother had baked a pie, the two would always say "First Slice" with the rule that whoever said it first would get the slice. Ray was annoyed that he had played it fair and hadn't said it as soon as he woke up Asriel.

Asriel walked out of the room and made a B-line for the kitchen. Ray followed close behind him.

Sure enough, Toriel was in the dining room, reading a book with her glasses and everything. She looked up to see the two boys walking into the living room and she smiled. She knew they must have smelled the pie.

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