
Zhanshi is not surprised to hear that his mission is to kill Zhanshi, that part is pretty obvious. What surprised Zhanshi was who the boy's master was, because ShaoJin is none other than one of the two soldiers that are assigned to protect Lady Xing, in fact he is the sole surviving soldier from his mother's incident. The other one is supposedly killed by the Elderly maid Ju.

Thus, as Zhanshi process this information, he asks the boy, "What is Lady Xing and ShaoJin's relationship?"

The boy quickly answers, "They are lovers. As you know, the Shao family used to be royalty, like the Yiban family. However, after the fall of their great-great uncle. The family was demoted. ShaoJin wants to climb back up the royalty ladder and Lady Xing is helping him. According to what I have learned, their plan is to make Deng the next Royal General and then dispose of Lord Yiban. Once he is gone, they will tell Deng to surrender the title to ShaoJin."

Upon hearing their plan, Zhanshi narrows his eyes at the boy and asks, "Lady Xing would never take the title away from her son....that's her son....Are you telling me the truth?...How do you even know all of this and who are you anyways?"

Zhanshi saw that upon hearing his doubts and questions, the boy casts his head down and seems to be deep in thought again. Probably contempting if he should say anything or not. Eventually, in the same emotionless tone, he tells Zhanshi, "My father sold me to the Shao family when I was 4 years old to cover his debt. Since they already have enough servants and I was still young and malleable, they decided to train me to be an assassin. Once, I finish my training, I was assign to ShaoJin and required to serve as a human shield for him. That means following him everywhere. That's why I know all this and know that Lady Xing cares more for ShaoJin than her son Deng....I also know what really happened with Mistress Chiteng."

Upon hearing his mother's name, Zhanshi quickly narrows his eyes in a threatening manner and indicate for the boy to continue. "...ShaoJin hates that he's of lower status than Lord Yiban. Thus, when mistress Chiteng called him a mere low-class soldier, he chopped off her head. Seeing that once Lord Yiban finds out that he killed mistress Chiteng, he will kill ShaoJin. ShaoJin quickly killed the other soldier and the old maid and gave Lady Xing some cuts, then told her to tell Lord Yiban that mistress Chiteng attacked her."

By the time, the boy finished his story Zhanshi was livid and grabbed his sword. However, as he was about to storms out of his room, Shen appears from the doorway and stops him.

"Move!" Zhanshi yells with furious eyes as he grips his sword tighter. Giving a sigh, in a flash, Shen locks all of Zhanshi's pressure points and tells him, "You need to think this through."

But at this point, Zhanshi was to angry to think about anything else and just struggle to break free.


It took a while, but Zhanshi has finally calm down enough for Shen to release his pressure points. As he glares at Shen and coldly asks, "why are you preventing me from getting my revenge?! I assume you've heard the whole story. Do you not think that I can take that fool."

After nodding and indicating that he did hear the whole story, Shen tells Zhanshi, "I have no doubt that you can easily kill him. However, tell me, what is your plan after words? How will you deal with your father and the crime that you commit?"

After processing Shen's words, Zhanshi couldn't help but see that Shen was right. His father would most likely not believe him and kill him after words. He knows that at this point he is still not strong enough to beat his father, maybe he can tie in a match with him but he can't beat him. Thus, sighing to himself, he looks at Shen and asks, "what should I do then? Are you telling me to just let that bastard go free?"

With a calm expression on his face, Shen tells Zhanshi, "The soldier competition is happening next week."

From that alone, Zhanshi knew exactly what Shen was hinting at and scolds himself for not thinking of it. Instead of murdering ShaoJin and being punished for it by his father, he can humiliate ShaoJin in front of everyone first than kill him and it'll all be legal. All he needs to do is enter the soldier's competition and win.

Smirking to himself, Zhanshi turns to Shen and tells him, "Thank you...I guess you do care a little about me." This caused Shen to roll his eyes and was about to leave but stops when he hears the boy voice something to Zhanshi.


Zhanshi was so caught up in his rage and then excitement about humiliating and kill ShaoJin that he forgot all about the boy until the boy came to stand in front of him with an unsheathed sword and tells him, "You can kill me now".

As Zhanshi takes the sword from the boy and sees him closing his eyes preparing to be killed, Zhanshi narrows his eyes and raised his hand up and then swings it down, lightly knuckling the kid on his head, causing him to shoot open his eyes.

"After all the hard work I have gone through to save you. You are prohibited to just throw away your life, dummy." Zhanshi says as he pinch the kid's cheek. "Do i make myself clear?"

After pulling his cheek away from Zhanshi, he tells Zhanshi in a calm, expressionless voice, "I was prepared to die the moment I choose to reveal everything. I can't go back now that I have revealed everything already....and I have nowhere to go. They will find me and kill me anyways. So I don't care if you kill me now."

Just as Zhanshi was about to reprimand the kid again, Shen walks up to Zhanshi and the kid and asks the kid, "what is your name?"

"Names are only given to humans, so I don't have a name." The kid replied in the same emotionless tone. "What do those basta.. er...your master's call you then?" Zhanshi absentmindedly asks the boy. The boy replied, "...trash....filth....piece of sh" but before he can finish, Zhanshi quickly interrupted him and said, "Nevermind....um...how about this, i'll give you a name....how does Rin sound to you?"

Upon hearing Zhanshi's words, for the second time since they've met the boy seems surprised and was about to say, "I don't think I deserve it", but Zhanshi quickly hush him and tells him that his name will be Rin from now on. In addition to that Zhanshi quickly adds, "You can also work for Shen. He's looking for an assistant. He's the crown prince, so even if those bastards see you, they won't be able to do anything. You good with that." Before the boy can even answer, Zhanshi nods his head and answers for the boy. "Fantastic....Well Shen, he's all your now."

A/N: So that's how Rin joined the group.

Keep in mind that Rin is only 14 as of now. So this is a picture of Rin when Axin is introduced to the group, AKA the future.

 So this is a picture of Rin when Axin is introduced to the group, AKA the future

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