Dangerous Days

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~~~~~~~ A few weeks later ~~~~~~

After the first attack, there were a few more like it, and not only attacks... there were abductions as well. Or, we think that they have been taken... we are not to sure. Anyway. Cammie moved in with Krystal and I, after lots of persuading ( She wanted to stay and protect all of the smaller, new ones, but we convinced her anyway.) . The villiagers only came out during the day, and there were some wierd things happening in the forest... Mysterious creatures came lurking from the place- not like the usual ones... these ones were evil- you could feel it!! Soon afterwards, The villiage became less and less visited, people stopped coming because of all of the wierd things that were happening. The wierd thing was that the attacks were mainly targeting the wizards of oaktown.... Every attack was different- there were a few more like the first, but then we came across the others... The old wizard from the pub down the way was found shivering and mutterimg about being at sea, dripping wet and his clothing, hair, eyes and even teeth had a blue tint. Another one was that girl who was always trying to get a stab at Cammie, trying to get her to react just because Cammie was better than her at everything. She was found, one frosty evening, all of her clothing was ripped, scratched up her arms, whole chunks of her straight blonde hair (that was dip-dyed pink) was ripped out of her head and her eyes were wild, like a rabid dog. some of the villagers recoiled in horror as she started foaming at the mouth and fell over, twitching slightly.

The attacks went on relentlessly, like a storm. No one trusted people anymore, and the contact between the villiagers became sparse, becuase people preferred to hole up untill they needed something-like food, water or new clothing... otherwise the villiage was empty. The only people that were brave enough to come out were either stupid, or had some sort of way to defend themselves.

Today was a one of those cold, and rainy winter days- the type of day Krystal, Cammie and I liked to make a fort of all of our pillows and blankets, huddle together and make popcorn, pizza and watch movies. It was one happier memory among many. I smiled as the first cernal of popcorn started popping, and I smacked my lips in anticipation, the heavenly combination of the salt and the warm taste of the melted butter, all on one piece of fluffy--

"Aammbber......? Heloo?"

"Hmm? What? Did I burn it??" I said, panicking for a moment after snapping back from my own little world, then let out a breath as I found that it was not, in fact, burnt.

"Dont scare me like that!!!" I glared playfully at Krystal, and she punched my arm back. "I hate you." I said mockingly.

"I hate you more." She backed up through the kitchen, preparing to take a running jump.

"I hate you most." She ran up to me, and tried tackling me but her petite figure had minimized the attack- I stumbled a but and then just put on my straight face and looked at her as she hugged my waist grinning. "I love you really" I said hugging her back and grinning.

"I love you too!" She gave me a wide grin, then let go of me, running away with a small handful of popcorn. How dare she!!!

" I wil get you back for that!!" I yelled at her.

All throughout this, cammie and cairo sweatdropped and just watched from the sidelines, looking at us wierdly. Then Cairo jumped in before I could hit Krystal with a frying pan and gave me a playful tug. She had really loosened up in the last few years. I gave another playfull glare to Krystal then said, "Well... the popcorn is ready." and with a flourish of my hands, I showed my friends the huge bowl of delicious popcorn. "Time to start the movie!!" I glanced at the window and saw that it was nearly sunset. Every time sunset came, it brought an uneasy feeling apon me- like an attack was going to happen... no.... this feeling was different. Someone was going to go missing. I could feel it. Cairo, reading my mind, looked worriedly over at me and I stold Cammie and Krystal. " I know it. One of the forest creatures are going to take someone... It is that feeling!!" Every time there was going to be a kidnapping or an attacking, one of us got a feeling, and it has been happening a lot recently...

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