Chapter 06: A stylist?!

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So here's the story :D


Chapter 6: A stylist?!

Elle's POV

I groaned in frustration.

Yesterday, I ran straight home, locked myself in my bedroom and block out everyone, mostly saying "Stupid Harry" over and over again. I have missed dinner but I didn't care. Sandra and Arnold aren't here. Who knows where they are? ...They must have left a note or something but I was too busy cursing Harry to check.

Since yesterday, Harry has been calling me endlessly. I woke up just a while ago and saw I have 48 miss calls, all from him. Even now, he was still calling me. Did he even sleep?!

My cell phone began to ring again. I was hesitant to pick it up, having second thoughts. I gave up and answered it.

"What do you want?!" I shouted at him.

"Thank God." I could hear him sigh. "You picked it up."

"I said, what do you want?!" I gritted my teeth. I really didn't want to talk to him right now. I don't really know why I am angry with him. Maybe due to the fact that he thinks he is all that, arrogant, conceited.

"I just want to say I'm sorry okay? Whatever I did, I'm sorry!" He sighed in frustration.

There was a long period of silence.

"What makes you think I like you?" I raised my brow, even though he can't see me.

"Every girl does, don't they?" He asked, but it was more like he was asking himself. Conceited much? Seriously, he has the biggest ego.

"Not me" I said. "But really why did you think that? "

"Ok fine, It was true that girls always fancy me so I was kinda shocked to hear you don't....but I just said that because I just wanted to lighten the mood. Your face was too serious. I thought that maybe you would laugh or smile a little. But I guess it didn't work."

"No, it didn't"

"So can you forgive me?"

"I have to think about it."

"Ok...So...what is it you wanted to tell me?"

"Nothing...It's not really important now." I mumbled.

"You sure?"


"Ok...I gotta go now." He said. "Bye"

I hang up without even saying goodbye. I lie down in my bed and stared at the ceiling. I decided to go down and have breakfast. Since my stomach was growling.

I walked over to the refrigerator and saw a little note sticking on it. I opened it then read it.

"Hey sweetie. We're sorry we have to leave. I received a call from work and they said it was urgent. Your Dad is in Europe to take care of some business. Hopefully, I will be back tomorrow.

We love you,

Mom and Dad "

I find it cute that there was a little heart on the end. I didn't really know what's my parent's job was since I didn't really listen to what they were saying much. I opened the fridge and decided to make pancakes. Okay eggs, flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, milk then butter.. This is my first time making pancakes. Let's just pray that I won't burn the house down. I have seen Lou making it though.

After a few mixing and stirring, I finally finished making it! I feel so proud! I smiled widely.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my camera. I took a picture of my first ever pancakes. I walked over to my room and place my camera back to where it was. I grabbed the syrup and poured an enormous amount of it. I love syrup!

I grabbed a fork and cut the pancake to pieces then I stab it and slowly put it to my mouth.

"Hmmm...not bad" I thought. "Who am I kidding? It tastes horrible!"

It looks presentable but don't be fooled by one's appearance. I will keep that in mind. The syrup is what makes it half bad. I'm not a good cook. But I can improve. I took another bite and almost spit it out. It would be better to starve than eat this horrid thing. I put it in a plastic and throw it in the garbage can.

I rushed up the stairs and opened my laptop. I opened my twitter, checking anything new then I logged out. I logged on my tumblr and scrolled through the pictures. 1D, 1D, and 1D and more 1D. I sighed.

I turned off my laptop right away, not bothering to log out my tumblr.

"HONEY...I'M HOME!" I heard someone shout. I stood up from my bed and walked downstairs.

"Hey Lou!" I waved, smiling at her. I jogged over to her and gave hear a bear hug. She hugged me back and pulled away.

"Did you finish your work?" I smiled at her.

"No" She sighed.

"Then why did you go back home?" I asked her.

"I can't leave my Elliebear alone here." She said, ruffling my hair.

"Hey!" I swatted her hands away. "Not the hair"

She chuckled.

"Are you fired from your work or something?" I widened my eyes.

"No" She laughed. "My boss said that I have to go travel the world with the boys then I talked with him and he said I can bring you there with me."

"What boys? And why do you have to go with them? Are you a babysitter or something?"

"No I'm not. I'm a stylist." She said. She was proud of her job. I can see it in her expression.

"For who?" I asked, not really interested.

"One Direction!" She said, smiling to herself. I nodded.

Then it struck me. I widened my eyes in realization.




Heyyyy!! I hope you like it!! And PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO ON THE SIDE ---->>> FOR ME?? :)





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