Chapter 04: Possibility

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Read my other story called "How To Be A Girl In Just 31 Days" and vote if you like it please :D

Chapter 4: Possibility


I burst into tears and grabbed somebody, burying my head in his chest. He calmed me by stroking my earlobe gently. Okay this was weird.

This was the thing that Harry used to do whenever I cry. I looked up and saw who I grabbed earlier, it was Harry.

Is it possible that this Harry was the Harry who I was longing to see?

Elle's POV:

I let go of Harry and sat up straight.

"Are you okay, love?" Zayn asked. I nodded. He wiped away the tear that was in my face.

I was about to say something to Harry but I stopped myself.

"Don't jump to conclusions, Elle. You are not sure about that." My conscience said. I shut my mouth instantly. I really need to get home now.

"Erm...I should go home now." I said, quietly.

"What?" Louis pouted. "We were about to play truth or dare."

"Sorry Lou." I smiled. "Maybe, next time."

"I can take you home if you want." Zayn volunteered.

"No, it's fine Zayn." I said.

"No I will."

"No Zayn." I said. "Really it's fine."

I stood up and hugged all the boys.

"Bye guys!" I waved my hands.

"Don't forget, when you come here next time. Let's play truth or dare!!" Louis shouted.

"Yes Louis I won't" I laughed. They all said bye and I head out of the apartment and got a taxi.


I felt somebody nudging me. "Miss, Miss. We are here" said a voice.

I slowly open my eyes and saw the taxi driver. I smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry" I mumbled and paid then got out of the taxi and head upstairs, in a hurry.

I then grabbed my laptop which was placed in the table and started scrolling through my history. I smiled widely when I saw it was there.

I hear my door swung open and I looked to see who it was, Christina.

"How did you get here?" I shouted, shocked.

"Nice to see you too." She said sarcastically. I chuckled.

"Your mom let me in."


"What are you doing?"

"Using my laptop?" I said. Note the sarcasm. She rolled her eyes and lie down beside me, peeking in what I was doing.

"Hey, look its young Harry." Christy exclaimed, pointing at the picture.

"This is Harry?"

"Yeah" She nodded "Look how cute he is."

"Like Harry Styles?" My eyes widened.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"


I couldn't stop myself from smiling widely. I should definitely talk with him tomorrow.There was a possibility that it was the 'Harry'. No, no. it wasn't just a possibilIity. I'm sure of it. I can't believe I found him. He is now an international pop star just like his dream to be. I can't take out the smile that was plastered on my face. I was just so happy that I saw him again.

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing" I said smiling.

"Fine, if you don't want to say it then don't. I don't really care." She sat up straight.

I was still smiling as I saw Christina fidgeting.

"Okay fine I do care. Please tell me. It's killing me!" She shouted at me.

"I'm sorry Christy. I will tell you soon."

She thought for a minute and replied again. "Promise, it will be soon?"

"Promise" I grinned.

"Can I have a sleepover tonight? I'm bored at the house."

"Sure, anytime" I smiled.

Sandra entered the room and said it was dinner. We both head downstairs and ate. When we were finished eating, we went upstairs and get ready for bed.

She used the toilet first while I waited. A few minutes later, she came out wearing her pink polka dot pajamas.

"Nice pajamas." I smirked. She rolled her eyes. I walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror, looking at my reflection. I took my toothbrush out of it's container and started opening the toothpaste. I brushed my teeth then spit it out, gurgling my mouth with water.

I went out and notice that there was a pillow on the floor. I threw it in the bed not knowing where I hit it. I heard a groan from the bed. I looked up and saw a glaring Christina.

"You did not just throw that pillow at me." She spit the words.

"I-It was a-an accident." I stuttered and whimpered. A mad Christina is not good. In fact it was really bad.

I was surprise by her reply. She yelled. "PILLOW FIGHT!" She started throwing pillows at me, hitting me in the face. I picked up the pillow and hit her right in the face. BULL'S EYE!

We go on like this for half an hour then we lie in the bed, tired and laughing.

"That...was..." She said."! Let's do it again!"

As much as I want to do it again, I really want the day to go faster so I can talk to Harry.

"Sorry, Christy" I faked a yawn. "I'm tired."

"Fine" She yawned."I guess I am too."

We cuddled under the covers. I can hear that she was already asleep as she was snoring lightly and me well...I can't sleep. How can I sleep when I was thinking so hard?

I stared at the ceiling and count sheep.




27 sheeps later and it's not working.

So many thought were running on my mind. Mostly wishing that it wouldn't be like last time where I jumped to conclusions again.

I slowly closed my eyes and let sleep take me.



Hey guys!!! I finally uploaded! Yey!

If it took so long, I'm sorry! The internet was so slow in the computer that I'm using! At least on the Ipad it was better. Thank you so much for all the votes and comments! I really appreciate it!

It's fine to me if you don't comment or vote. But at the same time it will really make me happy if you do!

But promise me something........ No matter what happens, please keep reading! Just keep reading, please! Even if you don't vote or comment. Just continue reading :)

It's your choice if you want to vote or comment. No one is forcing you :)

And pic of the one she saw in tumblr. --->>> CUTIE HARRY! (credits to whoever made that :D)

AND ALSO @hotgurl101 this is not the last time you will show up here :) I have plans for you ;)x

That's all. Ciao, everybody!


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