CHAPTER 19: I've Got You Baby!

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        The time has finally come. Tonight, right now as we speak, we are on our way to Tanner's house to get back my girl and me along with all my men, plus Big Jones' men. Tanner and his men don't stand a chance.

         In fact, Tanner had just sent a video of Carrie chained to a wall by her neck like she's some kind of an animal. Which also, I had noticed that she had bruises and was all bloodied up too.

          We were supposed to meet up with him and do a trade, but, after that video, I thought 'Fuck that!' So we are gonna surprise him in ten minutes.

          After pulling up in front of his gated mansion, we all got out and surrounded the area and took out anyone that got in our way.

         Me and a few of my men, went through the front door. Well, more like kicked in the front door and immediately got into a shootout with Tanner's guys.

         All I see is red. Because all I can think about right now, is getting the love of my life back.

         As I start heading upstairs, to look for Tanner, I end up shooting some of his guys.

        Then after checking in the last bedroom down the hallway and kicking in the door with my gun drawn already, I stop when I see Tanner holding onto Carrie's hair with her wrists both tied in front of her and duct tape over mouth along with holding a knife to her throat.

           "Let her go!" I tell him.

           "Really? Does that ever work? Maybe in the movies, but, shit man, I thought you'd be original or something." Tanner insults.

           "You have three seconds to let her go." I warn him again.

           "Or what? You'll shoot me?" He chuckles. "Please, I'll slit her throat the minute you shoot me." He grins as I see tears rolling down her cheeks.

            "If you want the money, I have it for you." I lie to him.

           "Now we both know that's a lie. I'm not stupid. Just like how you believed I wasn't prepared for an unexpected visit from you and Jones. I knew what I was doing when I sent that video and that you would right away come to her rescue sooner than the two days we had originally agreed to." He says.

             "What the hell do you want?" I ask. As I see the look upon his face right now is showing me that he might have something up his sleeve.

             "I think it's time you see what happens when you decide to try and out smart me." He says.

            I look at Carrie real quick then back at him and before either one of us could do or say anything else, Carrie suddenly butts her head back to where she breaks Tanner's nose and as he stumbles back against the wall, holding his nose and groan in pain, I notice that she has broken free from the ropes that had her wrists tied up and jammed a pocket knife she had used to cut her wrists free from the rope I guess she was working on without us obviously noticing, into Tanner's neck.

          I quickly ran towards her and we wrapped our arms around each other.

          Then we headed downstairs out towards the car and then headed back to her uncle's house.

          Though on our way out the door, we noticed almost all of Tanner's men were shot dead while the few other's left, survived, barely. The one's that were still breathing, were badly beaten, almost to death.


          Once we pulled up in the driveway to the front of her uncle's mansion and got out of the car and headed inside, we saw Big Jones quickly walk up to is and give Carrie a huge tight hug while looking at me and mouthing a 'Thanks' to me.

          "I'm so glad you're alright." Her uncle said to her.

           "I'm fine. Just a few cuts and bruises is all I have." Carrie replies.

           "Well, I am so sorry that I didn't take care of him sooner." He says apologetically.

           "It's okay. It isn't anyone's fault but my own." She says.

           Both Big Jones and I look at each other for a brief moment and he nods at me before leaving the room.

           After he leaves, both Carrie and I look at each other as my arms are wrapped around her waist and her arms are wrapped around my neck and our foreheads are touching one another's.

           "I love you so much baby and I'm so sorry that I wasn't there sooner." I tell her.

           "It's okay, baby. I love you too. And I'm alright now. Which, by the way, is thanks to you." She assures me.

           We headed upstairs into the guest bedroom and after taking a shower together, we kissed and held each other for the rest of the night. While both of us looked into each other's eyes and gently caressed each other's cheek before making love to each other and then cuddling and falling asleep in one another's arms.

          I swear, one day, soon. I'm going to marry this woman and have her be the mother of our kids. I feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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