CHAPTER 6: Starting Over

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It's been a few weeks since I had last spoken to or even saw Carrie.

The day we went out together, while trying to take her to a nice spot by the lake that wasn't too far away from us, I got a phone call from Tanner. He told me he needed to talk to me ASAP!

Which obviously pissed me off cause I was having a lot of fun with Carrie and didn't want to stop. Let alone talk to Tanner. Man this little shit pisses me off.

Anyways, he was asking me if I found the money yet or any other valuable information he had asked for. Which I told him I hadn't yet, but was working on it.

After calming myself down a little bit, I had realized that Carrie must think I don't her anymore or something. Which I don't blame her since I haven't even tried to make contact with her.

I don't know what it is about her, but she's got me hooked.

I suddenly realized that I didn't care about the favor. Cause the more I began to think about it, the more I started to ask myself why the hell I even agreed to do any of it in the first place. I'm a leader of a gang that is definitely more respected and feared than his. Plus, I hate Tanner. But most importantly, I'm starting to think that maybe she was innocent.

Either way, I personally, now wanted to see the truth behind what Tanner told me. Then once I hear about that, I will call this favor thing off.

I hear a knock on my door and I assume it's Carrie, which would be perfect, since I was just thinking about her.

Though once I opened the door, it was my slutty cousin.

She looked like a bimbo with the shortest and tightest dress I think I have ever seen.

"Marla?" I greet her.

"Hey there, cousin. I heard you were in town, so thought I would stop by and see how you were doing." She says as she walks right passed me and stood in the middle of the room.

"What are you really doing here?" I ask her as I lean up against the door, when glaring at her with my arms crossed across my chest.

"Can't I just come and see how you're doing without wanting anything in return?" She asks me with her fake kind smile and fake tone of voice.

"Not you. So come on, how much money do you need this time?" I asked her while taking out my wallet.

"Fine. You know me too well. I need $5,000." She finally says.

I roll my eyes before taking out my wallet and handing her the money. Which I know that I shouldn't carry that much around with me. But, hey, I don't trust banks.

"Here's $5,500. Now leave and seriously, don't come back here." I tell her. Which I know may sound cruel and harsh, but I had to be. Especially with her.

"I promise. Thanks." She smiles before heading out the door while I head towards the kitchen.

I stood in the kitchen for a little bit to drink some detoxing powder mix that I like using.

Then I looked down at my phone and realized suddenly that I didn't ever get her number, so I'm not able to text her.

So I head over towards her place and knock on the door a few times. However, she never answered. Nor did Sam. So they must both be at work. Which, shit! I forgot I had work.

I quickly take a look down at my watch and notice that I need to hurry the hell up before I'm late. Which I'm NOT someone who is late.


So after getting dressed, I headed downstairs and I decided to take my car today since it would be quicker.

Which thank god I chose to take it. I had made it through the door at the shop with five minutes to spare.

All day long I thought I would see Carrie come in. Not that I expected she'd talk to me or anything.

I don't blame her, but I miss her. I feel I can talk to her about anything.

So after work, I decided to head towards the barbershop. Sam told me she was working tonight. So I thought I'd stop by and maybe get a hair cut too.

When I got there, I saw that she was by herself and was sweeping.

I took in a big breath before heading inside.

Once I walked inside, she looked up at me and she looked as though she was pissed.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I need a haircut." I tell her.

"We're closed." She says.

"Well, the sign out there says you guys are opened until 8. From what I can see, I still have a little time." I smile at her.

"I can refuse service to anyone." She says.

"Look, I know you're upset with me because I haven't spoken to you for a while. And believe me, it's not because I didn't want to." I began but she quickly cut me off.

"Save it. Did you really think that what you did is excusable? It hurt me. And maybe it shouldn't have. Maybe I was stupid for taking that kiss seriously. Thinking maybe we could be together. But I guess, I guess I was just being stupid." She started fighting back tears.

"No. I was. To be honest, I had business to take care of."

"That's what you call it? Fucking some whore?!" She says.

"Ye-Wait, what? What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"I saw her come out of your apartment this morning." She says with the sniffles.

"This morning?" I repeated still feeling a bit confused. Then suddenly realized that she saw my cousin. "Oh, no. That's not what it looked like. She's my cousin. She came by cause she heard I was in town and needed money, like always, so I gave her some. And yes, she is a slut who sleeps around." I chuckle a little bit at the last part.

"Your cousin?" She asks.

"Yeah." I replied with a smile.

"Oh." She replies as if now she feels embarrassed.

"Now, about that guy you went out with..." I began.

"Oh. That. Yeah, I cut his hair and he asked me out. But nothing happened. And nothing would've ever happened anyways cause all I could think about was you." She says as though she feels a little upset and ashamed with herself while looking down at the ground.

I walk up to her and lift her chin up to have her look at me.

"I'm really sorry about these past couple weeks and if you felt hurt. I would never hurt you. And I know we haven't known each other very long, but I would really like to be with you. And that kiss, was the best kiss I have ever had." I tell her.

She smiles and says, "Mine too. And I'm sorry if it upset you with me going out with someone else."

"It's okay. It's not your fault. Just don't let it happen again." I tell her with a smile. As she does to and we both start to share a long and passionate kiss together.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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