"Amelia," She mumbles to wake her up.

Bad choice Mary.

"Amelia it's 8am, you have to get up for school." She repeats but more clearly. Amelia shuffles slightly, opening her eyes a squint and shutting them again in protest of waking up. Dammit if she wakes her up, how the hell am I going to get out of here?

"You have half an hour." She says again before standing up and walking out of the room.

For fuck sakes she's going to have to get in this closet because I'm standing right next to her school uniform. I can't take her now- I'll somehow eventually run into her mom or dad in this tiny house. This was suppose to be easy because everyone was suppose to be asleep and I could get in and out with no problem.

But now I have to go to the school and do this with the guys help- it's going to be hard. Not to mention she goes to a fucking uniform school so every girl there looks the same.

Amelia slowly sits up and throws her feet over the bed and on the ground. She sits there for a second, trying to wake up while her back faces me. I take the opportunity to slowly open the closet and get out as quietly as possible- dropping down beside her bed and sliding under it before she even notices my tall frame was ever standing behind her.

I watch her feet as she gets up off the bed and immediately walks to the closet. Fuck if I never taken the opportunity to move out of that closet then she would have caught me and I would have probably needed to knock her out with my fist.

I watch just her feet walk aimlessly around the carpeted floor before I realize her clothes drop to the ground. Sadly I can just strictly see her ankles or else I'd be getting a nice show right now. Her sleepwear falls to a pool spring her feet while she strips naked. Usually when a girl is stripping in the same room as me, I'm watching rather than hiding under her bed.

She leaves the articles of clothing strewed about on the floor while walking back towards her dresser- doing who knows what. She rolls her black socks that look to be knee high ones, covering her bare feet.

Gotta love a bitch in knee high socks.

Finally I see her feet walk out the door and into the hallway. I cautiously wait a few seconds and take out my phone, sending a text out to Louis.

HS: Didn't get her- meet me at the alley behind school for backup plan. Time to play dress up boys.

Almost immediately my phone lights back up from a reply.

LT: For fuck sakes I hate dress up.

I quickly jet out from under her bed. I need to get out of here at get to the school before her. I'm going to need the guys help for this one now. I need to know her room number for starters so the guys are gonna have to dress up as security to find out for me. I know that school has high intense security so it might be a little difficult.

I get up to my feet and look out the doorway to see that's she's in the closed washroom door. I jet to the same way I came in, Adrian's room.

The second I open the door and step in his room, the washroom door opens, causing me to jump against the wall behind the door. I stay completely still while hearing Amelia's light foot steps down the hallway but come to a hard stop in front of his door.

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