He groans. "Can I dance with you?"

I smiles surprised. "You see Liam? If you asked this in tbe beginning I would have said yes. Lucky for you I will say yes now."

The dance was just over and everyone's applausing each other.
He shows his sexy smile and grabs my hand taking me to the center of the dance floor.

Andrie Albert Tipton excitedly holds onto his black microphone. "Good job guests with your wonderful dancing. The next song we will play is. 'Wait For Me' by Johnny Drille. Now dance to this slow song."

The beginning of the song plays. "Just so, you know I can't dance." I whisper to him.

"Don't worry, i'm an expert." he winks.

Sure you are.

He puts his left hand on my back and the other on my right hand while I put my left hand on his left shoulder.

He gazes at me as the song plays. I uncomfortably look away and instead look at the colourful lights.

Liam's POV:

"I don't know when i'm coming back
I'll be gone for a little while longer
But, I will keep myself for me and you"

The sing plays and I slowly steps left and then right as I stared at her. She would glimpse at me then look away she was fearful of something which I did not understand.

I wanted to ask her why was looking at the lights as if it was interesting when it wasn't. I stepped left and right a few more time before, twirling her around along with her stunning pink dress.

She smiled which I found sort of cute and she luckily stopped looking uncomfortable.

"I dunno what the future brings
I want you to be with me
I go dey hope & pray say n
Make you wait for me
Cause i'll come back for you"

I guided her to make small  steps and touches on the floor. We slowly step in different positions around the room.
Our hands stayed together as I twirled her twice.

She looked shocked as I danced with her during the dance.

"I thought you lied about your talent with dancing."

I chuckled. "Remember what I told you when we are at the picnic?"

She scrunched her nose and looked up thinking  hard which I oddly thought was cute no matter how hard I try to deny it.

"Vegetarians are stupid for becoming vegetarians in the first place." she guesses.

"True but, I also said there's a lot you don't know about me." I said.

"Hmm..i'm starting to believe that." she beams.

We continued to dance and nothing seemed to matter. My thought and eyes were all on her and nothing seemed to be in my attention. My eyes were at her beauty at the ball, her smile, and movements during the dancing. Not the people dancing around us, the lights, mom and Tony, and the talking. No my eyes were on her and the music dancing in the background.

"You hold my love
You are my prize
And i'll run to the finish line
My love I no go leave you run."

I twirled her like a princess as she smiles. I never noticed how beautiful she looked when she smiled. Maybe because, I took the time to argue with her that I never took the chance to look.

We danced elegantly for a minute until the music ended. People clapped and that's when I noticed that everyone was watching us and both of us didn't seem to notice. Malia looked nervous. I squeezed her hand and a small smile played in her lips. She presented a small curtsey and I cackled. I bowed a few times.

"That's my girl!" Royal Gale shouted.
I smile.

I don't know why but, the memory flash again making me unreleased​ my hand from hers. I excused myself.

Malia's POV:

What the heck happened?

I surprisingly enjoyed the dance and he seemed to also enjoy the dance. He excused himself. Is he embarrassed by me?

I curtseyed one last time before jogging through the jostled group of people to search for him.


He stood in the balcony gazing at the stars at night. He didn't make any movement. After fifteen minutes searching for him I find him.

"Hi." I said softly hoping I didn't disrupt his peace badly.

He slowly looks back at me then back at the sky. "I need some time alone." he said quietly.

"Maybe try talking to me about what you're thinking about. Who knows, I might just help you with your problem." I said standing a few inches away from him also looking at the beautiful view of Las Angeles.

"Thanks for trying to help but, I can do it myself." he says bluntly.

"I'm only trying to help."

He stares at me then back at the view. He exhales. He doesn't speak for a couple minutes and seemed to be deep in thought. I patiently wait for him to speak.

"Have..you ever wanted to get rid of something..or wanted something to stop because, you hate it so much and try your best but, no matter..how much you try just can't get rid of it, it's just impossible?" he says without looking at my direction.

"Yeah. You." I joke.

"Ha ha very funny." he says sarcastically still not looking my way.

"Ok. In all seriousness,I think that whatever..you're trying to get rid of is there for a reason. There is a purpose why that object is there bothering you. For example, not everything In life is how we want it to be. Shit happens. But, life is beautiful, fragile and yet gorgeous.  The people we meet no matter..how much we hate them or love them they are there for a reason.I like to think that the people I hate or think I hate is there in my life to make me a better person today or in the future. Sometimes I wonder why it is that way. Why is life..unfair sometimes  but then , I remember that if my beautiful mother is not perfect,my friends are not perfect, the choices I make are not always perfect, then what makes me think that everything in life will be perfect? If life wasn't that way then it would be too perfect."

He looks at me with an unrecognizable expression.

"Whatever you are going through..whatever that problem is..remember it is there for a reason."

He seems to be deep in thought.


The next thing he did was the unexpected. His warm soft lips touched my  lips.

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