-->> Chapter Nine <<--

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Chapter Nine

I woke up extremely early. It was only 6:30 or something when I brushed my teeth and changed into more decent clothes.

I made my way downstairs, only to be greeted by my brother Michael.

" Where were you yesterday? You weren't home when I was in the meet and greet either. " I asked while I make myself a cup of coffee.

" I forgot to tell you,didn't I? Anyways, I visited Sydney. " he replied.

Sydney's his girlfriend, they've been together for 4 years. No conflicts, just adoration. It feels like they're the real perfect couple.

Then, I heard footsteps assuming it was Joyce, " Puh-lease Mika, we didn't even noticed that Michael wasn't here until yesterday night. "

Mikey shot us a blank stare. Joyce and I exchanged glances, " What? "

He rolled his eyes at us, " You were in the news earlier. "

Our jaws dropped, " REALLY?! "

I grabbed my phone that was on the kitchen table and looked through the news, " Shit. "

It was a picture with all of us eating ice cream, laughing and just generally having a good time.

We were supposedly rumored to be one of their girlfriends, except Kirstie, obviously. I also discovered we trended on twitter and Joyce and I had about a thousand more followers.

I saw Michael putting a hand on his hips, as if saying ' Explain '.

Then we explained everything, leaving out some details like how Mitch and I kissed and how I saw Jonathan on the beach with his new girlfriend because he will most probably throw a fit.

He made a clicking sound with his tounge as he looks at us disapprovingly. He might just be a few years older than us but he acts like a 40 year old father around us.

He sighed, " I'll let this slip since you're about to go back to college in a few days. Plus you're 19, I guess I can trust you not to get pregnant in such a young age. "

We both groaned at the thought of returning to college. I love school and all, but they make us do heaps of homework that's due tomorrow or something.

" Don't remind us that, please. " I begged.

Mikey ruffled both of our hair as we send him a death glare, " Psh, you'll both be fine. You guys are bright, but extremely lazy at the same time. "

With that, he went upstairs to do his work and such.

Joyce facepalmed then looked at me, " Scott says they'll pick us up later in 6:00 to eat dinner. "

I just nodded, then there we spent our whole afternoon watching chick-flicks such as Mean Girls.


I was now sitting on our sofa wearing my jeans, a dark purple blouse and my favorite brown flats while I wait for Joyce as she persuades Michael to let us eat supper outside.

Joyce walks down the stairs with her ripped jeans, light blue shirt and black converse, huge grin on her face. She gives me a thumbs up signaling that its okay.

We exited the house, hopping on the familliar van.

Joyce and I saw the whole Pentatonix sitting there, looking like they just finished jamming to a random song. We were both greeted by various ' Hi's '.

But there was one greeting I heard clearly and made my heart flutter; Mitch grinned, " Hey there, princess. "

I don't actually remembered agreeing that he can call me different kinds of endearments. Last night, we talked till 2 am and he kept on calling me different kinds of pet names.

The One ( Pentatonix fan fic ) [ ON-HOLD ]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum