-->> Chapter Eight <<--

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Chapter Eight

Look, so let's just say I'm not a beach person. I hardly even go to the beach ever since *cough* my ex and I broke up *cough*.

I'm still not completely over it though, it's just been three months since we broke up. I dated him for two whole years. I may not be crying over him but I still think about him from time to time.

We were currently squished inside a van, singing any song on the radio. Well, more like screaming.

It was a very long car ride, but it was a laugh since Scott and Avi kept on sputtering out corny jokes.

Then a certain song blasted from the radio. Joyce glanced nervously at me, like I was gonna break down.

As if. Maybe I would if I was alone.

" Hi

Girl you just caught my eye

Thought I should give it try

And get your name and your number

Go grab some lunch and eat some cucumbers "

I fiddled with the hem of my white shirt that covered my cherry colored bikini top.

" Mitch can you please change the station? " Joyce requested. Mitch obliged.

Mental note: Give Joyce a huge chocolate cake.

When we arrived, I was greeted by the scent of salt water. I saw children running around in their bare feet as they laugh loudly.

We gathered our stuff and set them down near a tree which I cannot distinguish. I put my hair up in a bun and took off my white shirt and jean shorts then put some sun block on.

Its like, 39 degrees here and the sun is literally planning to burn all the people. I sighed deeply as I watch the others running towards the water.

I put on my sunglasses and just observed the people around me. There's this family having a good time, a cute old couple walking with their hands clasped, children running around and yelling at each other and lastly..

Unholy shit.

I'm probably hallucinating. There is no way he's here. Like seriously, with another girl? This can't be right.

I pulled out my shades and rubbed my eyes. I drank water and looked back at the guy's direction.

Nope. I'm not hallucinating.

Jonathan freaking Chase with Anne Smith. Ugh *insert extremely disgusted face here*.

The everything came flooding on my mind, our 2nd year anniversary,


It's our 2nd year anniversary! I'm ready to do it. He's worth my virginity, so yeah.

Jonathan Carter. The best boy I ever met that wasn't related to me. He sweet and a year older than me. He stopped going to college for this year since he was stressed out about his parents' divorce and stuff.

As I parked my car in front of his house, I prepared myself mentally.

2 years. 2 years of true love. Or so that's what I thought.

When I walked through his porch, a knot on my stomach started to build. Something's wrong, I can feel it.

I hesitated, but no ones gonna stop me. This day is special for me and for Jonathan. My hands nervously twisted the knob.

When I peeked, I didn't saw him. I sighed in relief, at least he wasn't shagging any girl on the sofa and the kitchen counter.

" Jonathan? " I called out, clutching my purse anxiously.

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