"What is this, Alex?" I ask softly
and he looks at me with so many different emotions that I struggle to make sense of them.

"What do you want it to be?" He asks me, looking me directly in my eyes and I am surprised by the intensity. My mouth suddenly turns dry as I try come up with a response. He eyes me expectantly.

"I... I want us to be together." I whisper softly, chewing on my lip nervously as I cross my arms over my chest. His eyes brighten considerably and a smile tilts his lips up. He nods, digging into his pocket for something.

"I guess now would be a good time," he starts before stepping back and going down on one knee which makes my eyes widen in confusion. He whips out a pink candy ring and holds it up to me with a grin. "to ask you, Sophie Cooper, to officially be my girlfriend?"

At first, I'm just shocked, surprised and in awe but when I realise what he's asking and how he's nervously waiting for a reply, my stomach erupts into butterflies and I grin from ear to ear, my face beginning to hurt from it. I look at him and shake my head in disbelief.

"How could I say no to something as cheesy as this?" I laugh and he chuckles.

"I was hoping you would say that."

I take the ring from him as he stands up and slips it on my finger before wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing his lips to mine.

When we break apart I chuckle and he raises an eyebrow at me.
"If only Ridgevale knew how sappy the bad boy really is."

He smirks at me.

"Only you get the pleasure of knowing it."


Dinner went well yesterday. I couldn't shake the happiness and giddiness that flowed through my veins now that I was officially Alex's girlfriend.


I still can't wrap my head around that.

However, it was kind of difficult fighting the urge to kiss him breathless and to wrap my arms around his neck. I managed, but it sure wasn't easy. I had called Rachel the minute they left to spill the news and I'm pretty sure I'm still deaf from the ear shattering squeal she had let out.

However, what didn't cross my mind was when I planned on telling my mother. So when Alex walked to my porch this morning to get me and I gave him a 'good morning' kiss, I wasn't expecting my mother to decide to come out at that exact same time and catch me in the act.

To say I'm embarrassed is the understatement of the year.

Even Alex's ears are tinged with pink as my mom looks at us in surprise before her eyes twinkle with a knowing look as her lips tilt up into a smile. I pull away from Alex and fidget with my denim skirt. Alex gives my mom a dazzling smile, not seeming fazed at all.

"Morning Emily." He greets and my mom gives him a smile.

"Morning Alex."

I clear my throat awkwardly, "We should probably get going."

My mom nods. "That's probably a good idea. I'll see you later. Don't get up to too much mischief." She teases. And them she winks. She winks! As if I'm not embarrassed enough.

She gives me a 'we'll-talk-about-this-later' look and I blush crimson as she heads back inside. I see Alex's shoulders moving up and down as he chuckles silently.
I swat his chest playfully and glare at him.

Game ChangerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant