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I was sitting with Sunny and Adam while eating dinner. Sunny rarely looked up and Adam wouldn't look at me. The great hall which was normally filled with conversation and loud laughter was dead silent. You could feel the impending peril in the air.

It's tonight

It was like the uncertainty was in the air and we were breathing it in, contaminating our hopes and adding to the vulnerability. Thunder crashed outside and I saw Harry stiffen out of the corner of my eye. I looked up at the platform where he was sitting with the other instructors. His hand gripping a fork which was actually bending. Another rumble and he snapped the fork in half. 

"What do you think is his problem?" I mumbled to Sunny and Adam.

"With vampire hearing, thunder is one thousand times louder. Therefor you can see why it hurts vampire ears." Said a low voice behind me. I turned around to see Harry standing behind me.

"Can't you just tune stuff out?" I asked.

"Yes but for some reason we can't tune out thunder...which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard." He said with another wince and the rumbles outside. I pursed my lips. And suddenly he was gone.

"Well he's really good at holding conversations." I said sarcastically with a laugh, earning small smiles from the two of them. They seemed unusually solemn, I couldn't blame them really but Sunny is usually chipper even with danger hanging in the air. I sighed and looked down at my plate. The chicken thigh I had been eating suddenly seemed unappealing. I pushed the plate away and murmured a quick goodbye to the two of them. I stepped out of the great hall and into the dark hallway. I decided to go down a corridor I'd never explored before. After a while the atmosphere changed. It was warm and safe, but now seemed cold and viperous. Thunder rumbled and my heart rate quickened. I felt someone watching me. It was like they were burning holes in the back of my head. I spun around but no one was there. I gulped and froze for a second. The feeling just grew and grew and grew. I took a deep breath and fully faced the direction of the hallway that was giving me the feeling. I took another breath and stepped forward. The feeling got stronger with every step I took but I kept walking.

Come on, don't be a bitch.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when thunder shook the whole castle. Yet again, I took a deep breath and continued down the hallway. The hallway ended and was replaced with stairs. I looked around to find I was completely and utterly alone. I bit my lip and stepped down the first one. The feeling grew. You may think I was being stupid, and granted I was. A feeling of danger that strong is something you should run away from, but at the same time I felt a burning desire to know what was causing such a feeling. I kept stepping down. I came across a heavy door which I possessed just enough strength to open. I stepped in to see eight cells. There was a table with a few books on it and on an empty wall, there were chains attached and I noticed a wardrobe. I looked at the cells again and saw that they were all empty accept for one. In the last cell there was a creature. The creature raised his head and looked at me. Evil dripping from it's eyes. I gulped and it slid it's snake-like tongue in and out of it's mouth. I took a step closer to it and the feeling grew almost impossible to bear. I didn't dare go any closer, six feet was enough. I heard a bang from up the stair case.

Shit, shit, shit

No one can catch me in here. After some quick thinking, I devised to hide in the wardrobe. I pulled the doors open and climbed inside. After settling myself quickly, I saw that my hiding place was filled with devices, but not just any devices, torture devices. I gulped and made a small crack in the door too look out of. Harry's figure appeared.

Slow your heart rate come on, you can do it.

I made sure I was breathing silently and I watched as Harry opened the cell. The creature cowered at the sight of him he pulled the creature out by it's neck. He chained it to the wall. The creature crouched and had it's tail between it's legs. Harry reached down and grabbed it's muzzle.

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