We Are Coming

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"YES!" Screamed a voice of delight. We broke apart to see Niall in the doorway looking overjoyed.

"I TOLD YOU LIAM! I TOLD YOU!" He screamed.

"I know. You wouldn't shut up about it." He said appearing. I'm pretty sure I went as red as a stop light.

"Aww" Lord Liam smiled.

"GET OUT OF HERE" Harry yelled but when I looked at him he had a smile on his face.

Harry and I were discussing a celebration for all the initiates who passed. 

"We don't do celebrations." He said.

"Well no wonder the place is so gloomy" I laughed. He gave a small smile.

"Sir," John said interrupting us, "I must speak with you."

"You can say it in front of her." Harry confirmed. I couldn't help the smile. John gave Harry a disapproving look. Harry gave him a hard expression and John shrugged.

"We have seen creatures getting very close to the fence."

"How can you see them if they're on the other side?" I asked.

"Liam's department," He said to me before turning his attention back to John.

"How many?" 

"Over three scores." He said grimly.


'Over two scores...That's over ninety creatures.

My heart started hammering. I barely made it through a fight with a weakened creature. There are over ninty full grown, healthy, fit creatures just dying to kill us all.

"It's alright." Harry said gently, taking my hand. He had obviously heart my heart rate.

"I want to lead a patrol of thirty men to check outside the fence. We will stay close and be heavily armed. We won't be gone very long either" He reported.

"Make it forty." Harry ordered.

"Yes sir." John stated before walking off to make the necessary preparations.

"So about the party?" Harry asked.

"Harry that's over ninety creatures."

"What color theme are you thinking?" 

"Harry, Ninety full grown healthy creatures."

"I was thinking red, silver, and gold."

"We barely got through the assessment."

"We'll need food, I'll get the kitchens to whip up something special."

"We don't stand a chance."

"We'll need streamers and decorations."

"You're basically working with the few trained soldiers you have because we will be focusing on not dying."

"I wonder where we'll have it?"


"YES I KNOW!" He yelled. I raised my eyebrows and cocked my head. He huffed and walked off. Despite all my stubbornness, I followed. He stormed off to a balcony.

"Come on. If we're going to have a party, it'll need planning." I suggested, hoping I'd be able to get his mind off of the dangers. He looked at me, sighed, then nodded in defeat.

"What's wrong?" I asked flopping down on his bed.

"Nothing." He said seriously, looking out his window yet again.

"You've looked out that window fifteen times. Something is wrong." I remarked, scribbling down notes for the party.

"Well...The patrol isn't back yet." He said cautiously.


"They said they wont be long." He stated.

"They've been gone for only about two hours. Stop being so worried." I said.

"I'm not as worried as Uriah." He said, still looking out the window. I got off the bed and looked out also. Uriah was at the front gate pacing.

"Have you figured it out yet?" Harry said looking at me amused.

"What?" I asked, looking up at him.

"You honestly don't know? They've made it pretty obvious." He laughed.

"What are you talking ab- OH" I exclaimed. Uriah and John were partners!

"They've been together for about twenty years" He said. I looked back to Uriah. Still pacing, looking out at the forest every five seconds, which made me feel sad for him.

"I hope John is okay." I murmured.

"John is fine, he's one of my best soldiers." He reassured. I just wished I shared Harry's faith.

It had grown dark and John still hadn't returned. Even Harry was beginning to doubt the safety of the patrol. He called for a few soldiers, some happened to be vampires, and the Lords. They discussed sending a search party. Right before the search party was about to set off, Uriah burst in carrying a severely wounded man.

"My Lords!" Uriah called.

"Harry shot towards them using his vampire speed and Uriah placed the man on the floor. Harry was about to bite into his wrist but the man halted him.

"Wait my Lord. Take my shirt off." He rasped. Harry ripped off the shirt. Carved into his flesh, there were three words comprised of eleven letters that spelled, 'WE ARE COMING' 

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