Are you okay?

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The man was bleeding profusely and he was white as snow. Harry bit into his wrist and pressed it to the man's lips. After the man was stable, Uriah gripped him by the solders.

"Where are the rest? Where is John?" He asked, his eye wide with worry.

"They found us. We were out numbered ten to one on the first wave." He rasped, "but then the next wave came and there were even more. It was like we were drowning in a sea of them. Everyone being torn limb from limb. We tried but there were just too many. They killed us all," a small sob escaped Uriah, "They were going to kill me too but they though they should use me to send a message." He said putting a hand on his chest. I sadly watched as Uriah's world fell apart. I didn't have vampire hearing, but if I did, I would've heard his snap. Harry instructed two soldiers to take them upstairs and take care of them.

I was walking around the castle, trying to deal with the impending doom that lurks over all of us when I passed Harry to see him standing on the balcony. I approached him to see he was gripping the metal safety rail. His knuckled were white and the bar creaked.

"Uh, Harry?"

"What Sophie." He mumbled. Despite the situation, I liked the way my name sounded coming from his lips.

"Talk to me." I whispered. I wasn't very good as expressing my feelings or thoughts but I'm a good listener.

"He said they were ambushed by over two hundred, but there may be some hanging back." He said stiffly while rubbing his face. I couldn't say anything to comfort him because there was nothing. I wasn't going to lie to him so I just stepped closer to him and hugged his arm with one arm and laced my fingers with his with my other. He pulled me close and into a hug with his other. The hug was tighter than a normal one, I suspected his vampire strength was getting the better of him. Nevertheless I hugged him back with all my might.

"I promise I'll keep you safe." He whispered into my hair. After a few moments, I spoke,

"Red silver and gold work." He looked down at me, still keeping me in his embrace.

"I'll alert the kitchen." He said smiling.

"Will they be okay?" I asked.

"Uriah will be, he's strong and as for the other, I think so." He said stiffly.

There were thirty men on the patrol, if they were out numbered ten to one then that means there were roughly sixty on the first wave and the even more came. We didn't stand a chance.

"Harry, how are we going to beat that?" I asked, completely numb.

"I'm working on it." He stated through gritted teeth.

Naturally the party date had been postponed. Harry was incredibly busy with storing up food preparing for a siege. All the people in the town had evacuated to the castles. There were roughly two hundred people living in the castle in addition to the other soldiers. Adam, Sunny and I devoted our time to gaining as much skill in fighting. Well at least I did.

"Hey Piper?" Sunny said carefully.

"What?" I responded thrusting the sword into the manican.

"You wanna..Take a break there?" She asked quietly.

"Why?" I snapped while parrying an imaginary blow.

"You've been at it since sunrise." She mumbled. I blew a piece of hair out of my face and looked to the sky. It was already sunset. All in this moment I realized how exhausted I was. My knees wobbled and I stumbled. Adam quickly jogged up to me and put my arm around his neck and helped my up to the short wall that Sunny was sitting on. They pulled me up onto it. I sighed. 

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