Super Fucking Human Abilities

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I awoke to the harsh buzzing of the alarm clock, a few girls groaned.

"It can't seriously be six yet?" Said a girl named Samantha.

"No sorry, it went off early. I'll set it for the right time." I lied. After getting ready I tiptoed through the castle and into the courtyard.

"You're late." A voice growled behind me. I looked down at my watch.

"It's two minutes after five." I stated. Lord Harry, all of a sudden, had me hanging my my ankle and dropped me onto the ground. My head hit the cobble stone sharply. 

"Ow." I said, glaring at him.

"If you'd been here two minutes ago, that wouldn't have happened."

I stood up rubbing my head. 

"Why did you call me here?" I asked, peeved.

"I'm here to help you with fighting because you really need it."

"Uh huh, and are you helping all of the initiates?"

"The others either don't need my help or aren't worth my time." He reported.

"Fine. How do I prevent some jackass with super fucking human abilities from dumping me on my head?" I asked with a sarcastic smile. Harry smirked.

"Jump over me."

"Excuse me?"

"When I charge, jump." He said, right before he suddenly charged. I jumped but not very high. That resulted in me colliding into his stone hard chest.

"You didn't mean it." He glowered.

"Well you didn't give me much time to ready myself!"

"Out in the field you won't have any time to 'ready yourself'. If you hesitate for a single moment, you'll be dead." He snapped.

"So you brought me out here just to show me that I'm as good as dead?"

"I brought you out here to show you how weak you are!"

"Oh yeah because showing me I'm bad at something, makes me SO much better at it!"

"It's to get you aware."

"That I'm going to die?"

"Yes. If you don't get better." He growled. I judged not to push him much farther.

"Fine. Then how fucking high do you want me to jump?"

The Lord said nothing, He just charged. I jumped with all my might and, to my surprise, soared right over him. The landing was sloppy and Lord Harry wasted no time. His hand was closed around my neck, his fangs were unsheathed, and he had me pinned against the castle wall.

"Dead." He whispered.

"Well I did just learn how to jump didn't I? We haven't gotten to the landing yet." I spat. The corners of his mouth twitched. He released me. 

"How did that work?" I asked.

"The iron in vampire or creature blood repels against a human's. Sort of like when you try to push two North or two South magnets together. You just float over, but you have to jump high enough." He explained. He charged again and I jumped over. I knew he was going to go for me again so I quickly jumped back as soon as I touched the ground. The Lord stood where I had landed.

"Very good." He said stepping up to me. He gazed into my eyes. We stayed like that for over five seconds before a ray of sunlight fell upon my face, blinding me. I peered around his shoulder. The sky was filled with pink, blue and yellow. The sun was peaking up from behind the mountains. I gasped at the beauty. Lord Harry turned around and glanced.

"It's beautiful." I whispered. The Lord shrugged.

"After you've seen over a thousand of them, the beauty begins to wear off." He mumbled.

"Yeah, and it would seem that those thousand years has made you a bit of a pessimist." Stated playfully.

"Ah, I said over a thousand years."

"And yet you're still a pessimist!" 

The Lord laughed under his breath. We stood in comfortable silence for a while until he broke it.

"Who do you miss the most?" Lord Harry asked. I didn't answer for a while.

"Jake." I replied, a lump was growing in my throat. I tried to swallow it but it was difficult.

"Who's he?" 

"My best friend. He found me after my parents were killed and helped me."

"Were they killed in the 2002 Massacre?"

I nodded.

"How did you get away?" He inquired. Every nerve in my body was begging me to tell him about the man with green eyes.

"No idea, all I can remember is green eyes." I said quietly looking at him, only to find that he was already  staring at me. I cocked my head and matched his gaze.

"You're name isn't Piper is it?" He asked. I sighed.

"No, it's Sophie. But I hate my name. Sophie is a name for a delicate princess." I said. His gaze didn't waver. He didn't move. He just stared.

"We should get inside, breakfast is ready." He said after a few moments of weird staring.

"How do you know?"

"I can hear and smell it." He informed me.

"But the kitchens are like forty feet below us!" I exclaimed laughing.

"Super fucking human abilities remember?" He replied smirking, walking back to the doors. I laughed and caught up with him.

"Can you give me an idea of what we're doing today?" I asked.

"Are you good with a bow?"

"Well I happen to have super fucking archery skills." I grinned. His lips pulled themselves back into a brilliant smile. It was genuine and it was more beautiful than any sunrise.

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