I Will Be Strong

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"Fear is the enemy of bravery. To defeat fear, I must become fear. To become fear, I must fear nothing." I said this to myself over and over as I pulled my hair into a ponytail. I wore skinny jeans and a tight-fitting grey T-shirt. Today was the day that I, Sophie Moor, chose my department. When a Young man, or in my case, woman turns sixteen, they choose a department in which to serve. Each department was ruled by a lord who were put in charge of everything and everyone because they are the oldest, smartest, strongest, and fastest beings on earth. In other words, they're vampires. Agriculture was under the charge of Lord Niall, Science and Technological Growth was under Lord Liam, Lord Zayn was in charge of Archaeology and Architecture, Lord Louis was in charge of Government and Politics, and finally there was Lord Harry. He was in charge of Defenses and the Military, which is where I wanted to serve. There were five head quarters which formed a circle around the town where the population lived. The Head Quarters were distanced about two miles from the town so that the town doesn't bother the HQ with the initiation process or training. To get trough initiation, you basically have to pass whatever tests your department gives. If you fail, you die. No exceptions. It may seem harsh at first but it's to flush out the weak links. If you ask me, I think it's terrible, but there isn't much I can do. If I survive initiation, then I'll want to become a soldier. They live up in HQ. If you become a soldier then you will never see your friends or family again. That isn't much of a problem for me. They're all dead. Killed by a group of creatures from outside the fence. They were one of the thousands killed in The Great Massacre of 2002. I was four. I don't remember much from that night. All I remember is a pair of green eyes and strong arms carrying me to safety at an impossible speed. It couldn't have been a Lord that had saved me though, they were all to busy hiding up in their castle whilst the soldiers risked everything to save civilians like myself. I remember almost nothing about my parents and the only memory I have of my grandmother, is her telling me about the inside of Lord Harry's HQ. She had worked there as a servant and told me about the castle. She talked about it as if it were the grandest structure in existence. It is convenient in a way, that I don't have any family. It spares me the pain of saying farewell. Besides, the only person I will miss is my best friend Jake. I can't remember how I met him, but he's been with me ever since I can remember. After the massacre, I assume he found me and looked after me, at least that's what he told me. Jake is about five years older than me, he works in Lord Liam's departement. He never has told me what he does though.. Jake's mom didn't want anything to do with me, or Jake for that matter. So while she was at work, which was from dawn till way after dark, we could play in the house or wherever we wanted and when she was home then I'd hide in his closet. By some miracle she never found me. At the age of thirteen, I decided to move into an abandoned house left from the massacre. Jake helped me find some old wood to patch up some of the holes and make the staircase reasonably safe. We replaced the two shattered windows, and moved an old mattress in. It defiantly wasn't the best house ever but it it was all I had. I looked over my dwelling. At the boards on the floor. I helped Jake nail them down after I almost fell down the hole to the floor below. I looked back into the mirror. My dark brown hair complimented my fair skin and dark blue eyes. My name is Sophie, though I've always hated it. I've tried to come up with a nickname but nothing seems right. In fact, the only person I allow to call me Sophie is Jake, but when you think about it, Jake is the only one who's bothered to engage me in conversation. I sighed and looked around for one last time before stepping down the creaking stairs and outside onto the sidewalk. I walked to Jake's house slowly. Passing the creak where we used to find little minnows and play in the mud. I smiled when remembering how we almost got caught by his mother because there were muddy footprints leading into his closet. I walked past the giant fallen tree. The thing was massive. At least ten feet thick. We loved to walk across and pretend to be pirates, having sword fights on the ship's masts. Smiling again, I walked up his porch and knocked on the door three times. Jake's mother opened it. Her eyes narrowed, as did mine. I saw no point in being kind to those who aren't.  

"What do you want?" He said curtly.

"To say goodbye to Jake." I snapped.

"Why? You're going to see him in a month anyway."

"No I won't. I'm enlisting to be a soldier. I'm never going to see him again." I retorted, swallowing the lump in my throat. Her eyes light up and a smile played at her lips. 

"Oh. Well then I guess you may." She said opening the door just wide enough to allow me inside. I pretended as if I had never been in Jake's house before. Looking at the walls filled with pictures of her and Jake in which she was forcing him to smile. Little trinkets that held no meaning or worth, except to give her living room a more 'homey' look. I allowed her to lead me out of the living room, through in kitchen, down a hallway and in front of Jake's bedroom door. She left me standing there. I gritted my teeth and swore to myself that I wouldn't cry. I opened his door and found him laying on his bed with his arms covering his face. 

"Hey you." I spoke. He removed his arms quickly and jumped off the bed.

"Hey, I thought you had left!" He said happily.

"And leave without saying goodbye! Never!" I laughed with mock offense. He laughed and enveloped me in a huge hug which resulted in him lifting me up off my feet and spinning me around. Something he was known to do with me.

"I do have to leave soon though.." I frowned. Sadness leaked into his hazel eyes.

"I am going to miss you so much you loser" He smiled messing up my hair.

"You too you nerd" I replied, playfully punching his arm. He gave me another bone shattering hug before we walked outside to the street.

"Now before you go there is something I need to tell you." He said seriously.

"What is it?" I asked, smoothing my hair.

"This is going to be hard for you. My father was a soldier. When he was wounded and sent home, he told me about initiation and the life of a soldier before he eventually died. It's emotionally and physically testing, in a way that is almost cruel. It's made to drive out the weak and faint-hearted, to keep only the people who are tough as nails. You have to remember to be strong. Don't let them get to you. You may feel like it from time to time, but you are anything but powerless. You are strong and your enemies will run in fear. You can do this Sophie. You are strong." He hugged me again and he let me go. I smiled at him one last time, then I walked down the street and into town. This is where I will board the bus taking the initiates to Lord Harry's HQ.

I will not be powerless. I will be strong.

"I will be strong." I whispered.

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