Chapter 11 - Caffeine Rush

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I was shocked when Bran opened the front door and enveloped me into a tight bear hug.

"Hey, sissy," he greeted.

I started laughing, trying to hug him back even though he made it difficult for me to move. "Wow," I wheezed. "You're awake!"

He set me down, putting me at arm's length to look at my face. "I was given half the day. Did someone drop you off?"

I nodded, removing my book-bag from my shoulders. "Well, we should celebrate that you're here early, and conscious."

"I'll order a pizza and we can catch up on Stranger Things." We started toward the kitchen. Bran took out his phone and placed an order while I put some clean dishes away. I felt almost giddy now that Bran was going to spend the night with me for the first time in weeks, even as a gray thought kept looming at the forefront of my brain.

"Chad hasn't come home yet?" I asked when he ended the call.

He raised a brow at me. "No. Can't you feel the peace?"

I chuckled, resting my arms against the kitchen counter. Suddenly my older brother sobered, looking at me carefully. "Cece."

I waited for him to talk, smiling at him happily.

"The reason I'm home early is that I got a promotion, but there's a catch that comes along with it-"

"A promotion?" I cut him off. "That's great, Branny! I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Cece. You've always been my little cheerleader. But the catch is that I have to be gone for a week in Connecticut. I'd have to leave tomorrow, and tomorrow is a difficult day for all of us. I don't like the thought of leaving you here alone-"

"Hey," I cautioned. "Don't make this about me. Bask in your glory, be proud of your accomplishments. I'm a big girl and I won't be alone. Chad's staying too."

"Exactly. Same thing as leaving you alone. I don't like it."

"You have to go to Connecticut. It's only a week, Bran. Mom would want you to."

He nodded, but his gray eyes were still troubled. They were identical to mine, even more similar than my twin's. "I know. Better position and better pay. But listen to me, I'm going to talk to Chad and make it clear that he can't throw any parties at the house or invite too many people. I know he'll probably invite that idiot, Dean, and all those other idiots he calls friends. Call me if it gets out of hand, or spend the night at Phoenix's. Whatever you want."

I nodded, smiling at him even as a shiver ran up my spine. "I will."

"Do you have a lot homework?"

I shook my head.

"Then let's head to the living room, little sis."

"Okay, big bro." I smiled up at him, wishing he would not have to go, especially not on a day like tomorrow.

It was cold. I walked through the halls in warm brown corduroys and a comfortable jacket. I wished for nothing but a cup of strong coffee and a ride home. My mind was elsewhere. At some points in the beginning hours of the morning I wondered why I had even come to school, knowing from the moment I woke that I wouldn't be here mentally.

Phoenix almost pleaded with me to take the day off and leave early, offering me some money for a cab. I had money, but I was still not convinced that I should miss half a day because of my own weakness, and if I did I would choose to walk.

I was wandering the halls aimlessly for three minutes when I found myself by Mr. Gallagher's classroom, but I didn't walk inside to interrupt him. I only looked at the number over his door. Then I turned around and started to walk away.

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