I let my hands tangle in his hair. My other side was slowly coming into the picture. A growl slipped from my mouth and I shoved Carter off of me. My other side liked to be in control. I climbed onto him, resuming the kiss. For a moment Carter seemed stunned.

            This was getting rough. Carter’s other half made it clear that he wanted to be in control too. The innocent kissing turned into a full on fight. Carter slammed me up against the wall to which I responded with a moan. I slapped him across the face and threw him onto the floor. I pounced onto him, choking him. Carter seemed amused. He flipped me and the floor shook when my back hit it. His face appeared above mine. He smiled down at me and I spit in his face.

“That’s gross,” he said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“Can’t handle me?”

            Was I really taunting him right now?

“I can handle you just fine.”

            Was he really going along with it? He wiped my spit from his cheek and grabbed me by the hair. He pulled my face to his and crushed his mouth against mine. I let my guard down for a quick second and Carter took that opportunity to feel me up. I bit down on his tongue and in turn he yanked my hair back. I let out something that sounded like a cross between a scream and a moan. Before he felt like he was winning, I punched him right in the eye.

            While he was rubbing his eye I ran into the living room. He ran after me and picked me up. He dropped me down on the couch and seductively crawled onto me. He held my gaze with those hypnotic green eyes of his. I could feel his erection against my thigh. So he liked it rough huh? I can do that. I pushed him onto the floor and rolled off the couch onto him.

“You just don’t know when to give up,” said Carter.

“Neither do you.”

            He rolled over so that he was on top. Pinning my arms over my head, he completely immobilized me.

“Tell me you give up and I’ll go easy on you,” he said.

“No one asked you to go easy on me.”

            I happened to look at the clock on the wall. How long had we been doing this? My rational side urged my crazy side to just give up but that wasn’t going to happen.

“Whatever you say,” said Carter. He lifted me by my wrists and bent me over the couch.

“What are you doing?” I asked, struggling.

“Making you give up,” he responded.

            The tinkling of metal filled my ears. He’s taking his belt off! I struggled wildly but he was, in the end, stronger than me.

“Say it,” he demanded.

“No!” I yelled stubbornly.

            He nodded nonchalantly. He brought the belt back and gave me one last chance to give up. I once again refused. The leather of the belt came crashing into my butt with a loud smack! I didn’t need to be told again. I was already prepared to give up.

“I give! I give!” I insisted, hopping around.

“Good,” he said with a wicked smile.

            Once he released me I pulled my gun on him. Of course I had it the whole time.

“Spank me again and I’ll blow your brains out,” I threatened.

“Do it,” he challenged, drawing his own gun. “See if you can pull the trigger before I can.”

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