"Ah!" Mey-rin and Finny exclaimed.

"That's for him to say, not you."

You chuckled leaning on the door frame, "no offence but I can totally see why Sebastian looks down on you three. You mess up a lot, you know."

"Hey, (Y/N)!Name one time we messed up!" Baldroy demanded while the other two nodded.
"You really want to get into this?" You said, raising an eyebrow. They nodded again. Sighing, you pulled out a list from your pocket and handed it to Baldroy. You'd been noting down every time the three had messed up their jobs. Since they hadn't done their jobs earlier today You had it on hand. How convenient.

The three read your list with a total of 81 problems. Meh-rin and Finny sighed. Baldroy handed it back to you, "okay, name 82 times we messed up."
"I got nothing." You answered and the trio perked up and grinned. 'Is this really something to be proud of?'

You could tell that they were going to go ahead with whatever Baldroy was planning. You would help them not completely fail but you had a load of paper work you had to fill in from Scotland Yard to stop you from getting arrested since you were seen choking someone with a stick of butter at a fish and chip shop. ( but no one wants to hear about that o'faffle)
As you had expected, Baldroy's plan was a flop but you were too busy to do anything about it. Besides Sebastian would take care of it.
You had filled in the last of the paperwork and sighed, looking at your pocket watch.
"Our guest should have arrived and hour ago." You heard a scream coming from the staircase and smirked, "I should give him my warm welcome."
"(Y/N)!" Mey-rin called out to you, "it's our guest! He's—"
"I'm well aware. Rest assured, I'll take care of him."
You walked down the hall until you found Sebastian. If there was ever a time the two of you got along it was when it came to providing the 'Phantomhive hospitality' .

"Surely you aren't leaving the manor yet, sir? We haven't given you the full Phantomhive treatment yet. We still have to serve dessert.
You've lost a leg, remember? Now you can only move half the number of spaces." Sebastian started, looking smug.

"So why not just relax a bit and make yourself at home?" You finished.

"Seems he's headed for the kitchen." Sebastian said.

"Wandering around a house you've never been in before strikes me as quite ill-mannered." You commented, shaking your head.

"I agree. I guess we can only teach him how we behave here in the Phantomhive Manor."
"Damn, It's too dark. Is this a cupboard? Damn, these are really tight quarters. What's this...? Smells like sugar." 

You couldn't help but chuckle. 'How does one mistakenly crawl into an oven?'

"What an impatient guest we have. You couldn't even restrain yourself until dessert was out of the oven?" Sebastian also seemed quite amused by said guest's stupidity.

"The, the oven? Open up! Please, open the door!"

Hearing his desperate attempts to escape the oven was just comical to you.

"Perhaps the Italians aren't familiar with our customs. There's plum pudding, mincemeat pie. There are many traditional desserts here in England that make use of meat."

"I find them all quite tasty." You chimed in.

A scream erupted from the oven as you turned it on. You and Sebastian shared a glance. Both of you were pretty sadistic when it came down to it. You both smirked.

"What was that? Someone screamed." Said Baldroy.

"Don't know. Oh, hi Sebastian, (Y/N)!" Finny waved.

"Thank you for your hard work today. As a reward how would you like some lemon meringue pie? The sugar will give you energy." Sebastian handed them the pie.

"Make sure you share with Mey-rin."

With that all finished, you left to finish the paperwork. As you headed inside, you heard a loud, "Mamma Mia!" which made you giggle a bit.

"Well, I wonder what tomorrow will bring."

I WILL PROTECT YOU~ Black Butler x Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now