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The thing about games, was that there was always winners and losers

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The thing about games, was that there was always winners and losers. Cameron had lost. He had locked himself up in one of his many apartments dotted around and sulked with a bottle as his companion. He didn't have to worry too much, because his men would keep out any intruders and he would be able to reincorporate his strength. What he didn't expect was a knock on the door. It happened to be at one of the very few hours he was usually sober.

He stumbled and opened the door, not knowing what to expect. On the other side of the door, stood her. The girl who had broken his heart. He reached out to touch her, unsure if she was real or of this was just another dream. He stroked her cheek tenderly, staring into her honey brown eyes, before pulling her into his arms. This might be the only chance he would get to hold her again. She wrapped her arms around him and shut the door behind them. This wasn't happily ever after, but it was progress.

The winners, were truly winners. Dawn, soon found that Gold hated being called Aurelio. Apparently it was unnatural and it made him sound older. He told her the story of how he got his nickname one day, when they were wrapped up in each other's arms. It all started in school, when he was really young. Everyone struggled to pronounce his name correctly, except a few teachers. It was when they had to do this school project, where they found out the meanings of their names, did he find out that Aurelio meant Golden. When the other children found out, they started calling him Gold and it soon just stuck.

"Dawn promise me that you won't name out children with complicated names," he demanded.

Dawn laughed.

"And here I was thinking that we should name out first born; Rumpelstiltskin," she joked. She remembered the business card he had given her when they had first met. 

"Dawn..." He warned her. He didn't want his child to be bullied at school.

"Fine, fine. I promise, Aurelio." She knew that using his name would annoy him and she sometimes drop it, just to see his reaction. There was times he just ignored her and times when he would tickle her until she stopped calling him his name.

"I told you not to call me that! I should have never told you my name," he frowned, muttering the last part.

This was one of many cute promises of their future together that they had made. Another demand had been for Dawn to given him five children, which she refused unless he was the one getting pregnant.

Talking of pregnancies, Dawn announced to everyone that she was pregnant, just over a year since Gold and her had met. Gold reminded her about her promise with names, one night, when he found her reading a name book. A wedding soon followed and this was the start of their happily ever after together.

There were winners and losers in games, but that shouldn't define the way you live.



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