Chapter Nine

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Sin sauntered silently into Gold's shop

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Sin sauntered silently into Gold's shop. He didn't bother stopping at the reception desk and went straight to the staircase that lead to his office. The receptionist didn't bother stopping Sin but did call her boss quickly, to warn him about the arrival of his guest. She saw something in his eyes, something deadly, a purpose that made her reluctant to approach him.

Sin adjusted his cuff links, stretched his neck, then opened the door. He went straight to the bar and poured two glasses of whiskey, ignoring Gold. He set one of the glasses in front of Gold and leisurely set down across from him, leisurely. He sipped the whiskey and studied Gold.

"Did you come here as a friend or foe?" Gold asked him, before taking a sip of whiskey. He had got a call from his receptionist as soon as he had stepped in the building but Gold had been expecting. It was only a matter of time.

"That depends... I want to make a Deal," Sin said, playing a game they both knew very well. That was the thing with devil's, they recognised each other, having the sort of movements. The problem only arose when they decided to play against each other, that's when the trouble really started.

"What are the terms of this deal?" Gold's finger trailed around the edge of the glass in circles as he fought down a smile. It humoured him that Sin wanted to play a game, he had mastered long before he had even started.

"I'll buy whatever deal you've made with the Miller girl and you'll back off from her," Sin knew it was a long shot but he needed to test the waters. The thing with Gold was he had always played games. All sorts of games, from chess to cards, but Sin preferred chess. He had waited for Gold to make his move before he struck.

Gold, this time, smiled. He stood up and started walking around the desk slowly, he hadn't trailing the edge of the desk. This was a predator slowly getting ready to strike. He had a few cards left up, before he made the final blow. It was all about how well Sin could hold up his poker face because they had to see who was bluffing today.

"The thing is, Cameron, she's not for sale and you already knew that, so why don't we just skip a few steps," Gold purposely used his real name. He wasn't afraid of Sin. He had known him from when he was known as Cameron and only Cameron.

They had grown up together, never really friends but never really enemies. Their relationship was a grey space, that no one quite understood. There was something that kept them together, something no one knew. A past that only a few knew about. Their paths crossing way too many times for them to simply kill each other off. This was something new though, this was a fight for a happy ending.

"So you really believe she's the girl you're going to marry? I saw the bracelet," he replied. They had both been there when Gold got the bracelet. It had been given as a parting gift of some sorts with a hope that soon became a promise. A promise to give the bracelet to the girl he would finally be honest to, the girl he would eventually love, the girl who would give a villain a happily ever after. The second Dawn had put on the bracelet, Aziza and Cameron should've know about his choice. It was really useless for him to even ask a question.

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