Chapter 28

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The Start

Going back to school was a lot harder than I thought. There are so many lessons that I missed and the semester is about to end. To say that I am struggling is an understatement.

Daesung hyung was back to his usual self now. After Seunghyun hyung, me and him ate dinner one time, he was finally able to accept Seunghyun hyung again.

Speaking of Seunghyun hyung, since I got back, my current clasmates are gossiping again about us. Most of my classmates right now are the same ones in highschool and everyone knows him. To my surprise, I recognize most of them.

Three days ago, Seunghyun hyung, Daesung hyung and I went on a fancy restaurant courtesy of Seunghyun hyung.

We ate delicious seafoods and had wines after.

That night, Seunghyun hyung told us the whole story.

"I'm not telling you this because of the situation you are in, and not because I'm trying to take advantage of you. I'm going to tell you my side of the story as to why I left so suddenly..." Seunghyun hyung said as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it firmly.

"As you know, I had a plain life when I was a child. My mom worked as a housemaid and my dad was a family driver. We lived on a small quarters inside the Park's residences. I grew up there and I became friends with the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Park. She was my only friend. She protected me from the bullies in our neighborhood and I protect her from her strict parents. She's always getting scolded because of me." he said as he shook his head gently while smiling.

Though it was a brief moment, I saw love in Seunghyun hyung's eyes.

He did loved his wife after all.

"We basically grew up together and I know it was partially my fault when she had grown feelings for me. I think I might have given her false ideas..." he trailed off as he visibly reminisce. He shook his head lightly before he continued.

"It was when Seungri entered his last year on highscbool that it all started..."

Seughyung hyung had a glazed look on his eyes as he went down memory lane.

"First, let me explain what Bom and I had. I was in a complicated relationship with her six years ago. It was a year before I met you, Seungri. We do all sorts of things that a couple would do. When I was asking her about our label, she insists that we should just enjoy the moment. 'No pressure.' she says. But as time goes by, seeing her doing the exact same things she does to me with some other guys, I decided that I'd free myself from her. We were together for almost a year until I met Seungri." he said as he clutched my hand.

"Meeting you, Seungri was a breath of fresh air. You came into my life and ended all my troubles. It was perfect with you. You brought out the things I didn't know was hidden inside me. Hell, I didn't even know that I'd be open with same-sex relationship. I never thought I'd pursue someone like you, who has the same gender as me. And when you said yes, it was euphoric. You have become my safe haven. You protect me from myself and you have lifted me up to become what I am right now. I am truly sorry for what I have done. Leaving you without an explanation is unacceptable."

He proceeded on telling me how it was Ms. Park Bom's parents that wanted him to stay by her side. She was diagnosed with cancer. When she found out that she only has a few months to live, she quickly thought of Seunghyun hyung to spend the rest of her life with. It was a selfish decision because she knows that Seunghyun hyung was in a relationship with me. To make him agree, a proposition was made.

When I entered my last year in highschool, Seunghyun starterd paying for all my needs. Toiletries, groceries, and even a new laptop because I needed it so bad for my last requirements. 

Turns out it was all from Ms. Park Bom.

"She's really generous..." I trailed off. I can't say anything.

I was still feeling badly hurt . Hearing all these explanations doesn't help my situation right now. I'm already hurting because of an unknown reason with Jiyong hyung and now, a fresh new wave of pain was being cast on me. 

Sunghyun hyung proceeded on his long gone explanations. He got married and he inherited Bom's company, but nothing seems to alleviate my pain. All I can think about is... he left me... 

I thought I'd be at peace when I finally hear his explanations. But no. It just seems to wake up all my pent up emotions.

All I can think about is how hurt must Jiyong hyung be right now. To be abandoned with no explanation. He doesn't deserve this.

Jiyong hyung is in a situation that he has no control of. I don't remember him and the one that I knew I love came back. It's obvious that I'd choose the later but what happens to Jiyong hyung now?

The longer Seunghyun hyung's story gets told, the shorter my patience is running. I've been trying to understand him but it feels like he's only making excuses.


"Jiyong, I know you'd be more than happy to give Seungri our lectures. I have looked into your schedules and most of your classes matched. Please take care of it." Mrs. Byun said.

It was 2 o'clock and we just finished our first afternoon class. Jiyong hyung and I are walking towards our next class. It was at the far end of the University's premises and I'm getting tired from walking.

We met Daesung hyung and Taeyang hyung along the way but they have to go on a different building so we parted ways.

"If the teacher posts something about the class being cancelled or something, I swear to god, I'll just skip class..." I blurted involuntarily.

I didn't notice that Jiyong hyung stopped dead on his tracks. I was busy talking about going to Seoul Forest and when I looked back, I saw Jiyong hyung standing a whole 20 feet away from me.

He looked dazed, confused and... hopeful?

"Hyung? What are you doing? Why are you standing so far away from me? " I asked.

He shook his head lightly as he got out of his reverie. He quickly went beside me and we continued on walking.

"Uhm... what was that hyung?" I asked in confusion.

"Oh... that's... nothing..." he said as he scratched the back of his head.

We disregarded whatever that just happened and continued on walking.

When we finally got to our destination, there was a letter on the door of our supposed classroom.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I half shouted.


"Audio Visual room? Isn't that at the top floor of the building that we came from?" Jiyong hyung asked.

The note at the door gave me a flashback that comes with a headache.

Is that supposed to be a memory that I have forgotten?

But unlike the previous memories that surfaces my mind, this one almost doesnt hurt.

I touched my temple to check if it was really a forgotten memory and indeed, my temple throbbed to my touch.

Maybe I should open my heart and head out for Jiyong hyung. He wouldn't hurt me and I know it.

I'll just have to welcome this memories back and see where it leads me to.

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