Chapter 7

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The song 'That XX' ACT III

Its been two years already since Daesung hyung, Jiyong hyung and I got totally inseparable. The three of us live together in one roof now and... 

Okay I'm exaggerating things but it feels like that. Its only been two weeks. Our schedules are so hectic but you can't see the three of us apart. We are like sewn together by a golden thread that only God knows how to cut. Today is also not an exception.

Daesung hyung and I are waiting for Jiyong hyung's last class to be over. We are currently in the library and hyung is doing our assignment in Trigonometry while I'm listening to some xxxibgdrgn. I'm not dumb or anything. Its just that, math is really not my thing. And don't get me wrong, this is the only subject that Daesung hyung gets to do because the rest of our subjects, I'm the one whose doing everything.

Ah. This song again. I can never get over this song. This is the song that made me realize that I'm done. I'm so done with Seunghyun's lies.


xxxibgdrgn uploaded new song on his SoundCloud. Come check it out.

Oh, its only xxxibgdrgn. My phone buzzed and I thought it was Seunghyun. I am so ready confront him about his cheating.

That XX. I wonder if this song will make me feel good. Well, xxxibgdrgn always does. I click the link that will send me over to xxxibgdrgn's new song and soon, I had tears falling from my eyes. His songs makes so much f*cking sense.

Walking on the street, I bumped into your man (Yeah I saw him)
I didn't want to believe it, but my hunch turned out right (I told you)
He's not wearing that ring you gave him, there's another girl by his side
But I've said enough (I don't wanna hurt you)

Now you're getting angry with me (Why?)
You say "He's definitely not that kind of person" (Sure you're right)
Seeing your eyes, I reply that I probably got it wrong
See, I lied for you (I'm sorry)

I hate that you don't understand me
I hate all this waiting
Let go of his hand (break it off with him)
When you're sad, I feel like I'm dying

That ************, what does he have that I don't
Why can't I have you
That ************doesn't love you
How much longer are you going to cry yourself silly?

When you speak of him, you look so happy (you look happy)
It's good that you can be this happy (I'm happy)
You say you really love him, want to be with him forever
You trust him completely (I don't know what to say no more)
Your friends all know that guy (yup they know)
It's so obvious, why can't you see (it's you)
They say love is blind, Oh baby, you're so blind
Please, I beg you, break it off

You know what xxxibgdrgn? You are right. You are so f*cking right. But you didn't have to slap it on my face this hard. It hurts. Emotional pain is slowly turning into physical pain. I'm having a heart burn. I immediately called Daesung hyung.

"Yeoboseo? Seungri-ya! Why are you crying?" Daesung hyung asked frantically.

"Hyung, please come over. It was xxxibgdrgn's fault. Listen to this while you head here." I said, sobbing. I played That XX while hyung was travelling. I can hear faint sighs. I guess he understands what  feel. I've been telling him the hints from our friends about Seunghyun's cheating. 

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