Chapter 5

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The skipped class

"...and that class, is the reason why quantum physics is helpful in Public Relations because in everything we do, there is quantum physics. Got it?" Jaesok songsaeng-nim concluded, smiling.

My classmates groaned loudly. Some even cursed. I was not even aware that I've been spacing out the whole class. I only came to my senses when I heard the complaints of my classmates. I mean, come on. Who will use the whole class hour just to explain a subject that is completely irrelevant to the subject that he was suppose to teach?

 I quickly hid my earphone in my bag. Usually, when Jaesok songsaeng-nim concludes the topic, the class is almost over. And just as I thought, he gathered his things, says goodbye then leave.

"Seungri-ya. I saw you spacing out the whole class." Jiyong hyung said, his face only a few inches from mine. It startled me.

"H-hyung!" I said, clutching my chest. "Don't do that. You startled me."

"Drink less coffee, Seungri. Haha." He teased.

I stood up and we went out of our room. Ugh. I hate my next class. It's world history. This subject is like a lullaby written from the heavens above. It gives me nausea. Okay nausea is a bit too much but its close to that feeling. And it makes me very very very sleepy. Thinking about it makes me wanna curl up in a ball and bury myself in my most comfortable blanket. Ah. It would be nice to take a nap at this hour.

Jiyong hyung and I said our goodbyes because we are going on our separate ways. Or so we thought. I still have my last lesson and he said he also have a one. 

"Goodbye, hyung. See you around." I said and waved.

"Bye." He said smiling. Ugh. Its so unfair. Why does he have that kind of smile???

When we both tried to walk, we bumped onto each other because we went to the same direction. We just laughed it off and continued walking. My next class is two buildings away from here. Jiyong hyung and I walked in comfortable silence because really, there is nothing to talk about. When I was almost to my classroom, I finally questioned Jiyong hyung's existence. I looked at him because I was about to ask why he's still with me but I caught him staring at me intently. While walking. I was perplexed.

"U-uhm, hyung. It's not that I hate your presence but why are you still with me? Don't tell me your next class is world history. This would be really funny." I said, laughing nervously. I'm honestly okay with Jiyong hyung when the three of us-with Daesung hyung of course-are together. But if its only the two of us, I get rattled.

"Okay. I won't tell you then that my next class is world history." he said, beaming at me.

"Are you kidding me? You're joking right?" I asked incredulously. Seriously? Hello! I've been in Seoul Academy for three months and I didn't even know that I share some of my classes with Jiyong hyung.

There can only be two reasons. One, just like in Public Relations class, we are too far apart. Two, He must be really quiet like one of those intelligent people that doesn't speak much but when the term exam comes, they top the ranking and sh*t.

We're like star-crossed lovers that are not allowed to see each other. Nope. More like gang leaders that will fight and break each other's bones as soon as we laid eyes on each other that's why the professors manipulates us and makes us ignore the existence of each other. Do I make sense?

"I'm not, Seungri-ya. Come on, we're late for class." he said with a sh*t eating grin.

When we finally got to our classroom, there is a note attached on the door.


"Audio Visual room? Isn't that at the top floor of the building that we came from?" Jiyong hyung asked.

"Yes. Of course. This is like a big joke. We came all the way here just to read a note that almost says, 'Now that you're here, go back to where you came from.'. It's two buildings away! It's like 3 kilometer walk hyung!" Jiyong hyung rolled his eyes at me. We looked at each other... then laughed.

"Well, Its not like we have a choice so lets walk our ass now or we'll never get there on time." I said and I was now starting to walk. Then, a brilliant idea came out of Jiyong hyung's wonderful little mouth. Now, that sounds sexual.

"Uhm, wanna skip class?" he asked, grinning like it was the best idea ever.

"Hyung what are we? Junior students?" I asked, feigning maturity.


"That's what I thought. Come on we're already late."

"I'm serious though."

Unconsciously, we played a stare down. I'm guessing that whoever looks away first loses and has to cave in with the winner's idea.

Guess who caved in...

"Alright... Where shall we go?"

"That's more like it." Jiyong hyung beamed. "Let's go.". And with that, Jiyong hyung grabbed my hand and off we run . 

"Hyung! T-this is stupid. Why do we have to run?" I asked panting. I'm not in good shape anymore. I used to run/jog every morning when I was still in first year college up to third year but now, I'm too busy to do that. And running like this, it feels like my lungs is going to burst.

"Because its fun!" He said, laughing and we continue to run. I can't help but laugh too. His laugh is contagious. Well this is new. Its not that this is the first time that I skipped class but for once, I did something exciting with my monotonous college life. I ran. While holding hands with someone I barely new. Someone that I might have a crush too. My heart was beating so fast. I know its because of running but another factor is because he is tightly clutching my hand while we're running.

We stopped momentarily to hail a cab. I was breathing through my mouth and my nose at the same time, if that's even possible. 

"H-hyung... W-wa..." I panted. I was going to ask for water but I can't even manage to complete a word. I don't have heart problems, asthma or anything like that but if this trip continues as it is, I'm going to develop one.

"Seungri? Are you alright?" Jiyong hyung asked. Concern was written all over his face.

I hit him playfully. "A-are you seriously asking me that h-h-hyung? Can't y-you see I'm out of breathe here?"

He just smiled and quickly hailed a passing empty cab. When we got inside, he immediately offered his half empty bottled water. Of course I accepted it! It would be like indirectly kis-... I mean, in my condition right now, I'd gladly chug down dirty water. 

"Where to gentlemen?" The driver asked.

"Seoul Forest sir." Jiyong hyung answered.

"Hyung, what the heck are we doing in Seoul Forest?"

"I'll feed you to the fish." he said in a serious tone.


Then he laughed. He just f*cking laughed. Maybe this is a wrong idea after all. What did I get myself into? Here I am sitting in a cab with a friend that the only thing I know is name. Well yeah I also know his age but that's all. What if this dude has medical condition? A mental disorder by that. What if he is also a psycho? A stalker? Or worst, a rapist! Okay. I really should stop thinking that every single stranger wants to rape me. Ugh. I gotta get my severely damaged brain out of the gutter.

"The look on your face Seungri. Its pure terror. Do you really think I'm capable of doing that? Feeding you to the fish? Don't you think that's a bit crazy?" He asked, still chuckling lightly.

'Oh Jiyong-ah. I am, in any shape or form, not aware of what you are capable of doing. Come and show me. We can continue this talk here or we can go somewhere quiet. We can go to my place and then we can... maybe...'

I mentally slapped myself.  I need therapy. I'm starting to think that I'm the one with mental disorder.

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